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This is where the roleplay for Pheonix Forest will go. Once your character is accepted, You may start here whenever you like.



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Slinking though the shadow's and fog made Banshee invisable.He knew The black earth and tree's countered with the grey fog and his own powers he was at a huge advantage here...only disatvantage was food.It was all in the bright sunny tree filled area he didn't want to be.The ruby ring around his black tail shone and his black fur had been covered in soot.The reason for not shaking it off yet was for concelment.His red eye's darting this wa and that.He unfolded his clipped wings to see hi helper Jackyl the bat in the folds of fur.Jackly could only fly here becuase the fog made the sunshine look dirty.Banshee could smell the faint markings blowing with the wind.The fog cleared for a moment and in its way stood a black grey and red dark wolf.


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Banshee was lonley but he would never tell anyone.He looked to the sky not thinking any other animal's would hear and let a howl tear out of his throat.The sound was eerie and left most with goosebumps and nightmare's.The sound echoed like the scream of a banshee from those old Irish storie's.He was hungry insanly so but there was no food around here he was beingging to weaken and slow down.He didn't know how long he would last.


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He heard the sound of a dark wolf.The power surge that shot though his body was maddening.The air surrounding him turned to black and He stood up on his back leg's and flapped his clipped wings.They battered the air and he opened his maw to peirce the sky with another bone chilling howl.

He started to walk faster.The only race he had any respect for..his own.He got closer to the boundries.He refused to howl in permission he wasn't like that so he sent one more howl out to her.He was not even a 10 minute run from her.

-- Edited by Evildragon on Wednesday 14th of October 2009 03:44:24 PM


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Ooc: Just a reminder, if you are roleplaying at a different place. I would like people to go to that fourm and roleplay there, so people don't get confused by this and think your crazy with replying to yourself.



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The forest was barren, lonely, and eerie. Yet the petite form strode on through with a brave confidence, seeming ompletely at ease with her surroundings. A crow sounded loudly, seemingly far off in the distance... but as it swooped down and landed on the wolf's shoulder, it came to be realized that it had simply been a trick of the surroundings. So empty that everything sounded loud and extremely close, then far away a second later... "Cadaver." she murmured in greeting. The grow hopped side to side as she stopped, squawking out, "Cadaver! Marionette!" The she-wolf smiled slightly in response, before looking around her.

"Can you think of how many must have died in this fire?" she asked lightly, staring at the bone-like skeletons of old trees. Closing her eyes, she smiled as she felt several things brush against her. She looked around, seeing about a dozen whispy trails of softly glowing white light twirling around her. "Hello, Lost Ones." she said cheerfully. There was an ethreal sort of hum that followed her words, and she grinned, tossing her head back and letting out a sudden howl. The whisps flew around her faster, as if excited by the sound that seemed to resound through this barren land, giving a bit of life to the otherwise melancholy silence.

With the act done, Marionette continued on at her slow pace, wondering if perhaps some traveller or member of an actual pack might find her.


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
♂ Tythar Dalyn || 3y || Light || Lyerly
♀ Leah Hael || 2.3y || Air || Palindrome
♀ Gweneira Bryne || 3y || Ice || Isolde

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A slim female trotted through the eerie part of the forest, the dead zone. She galnced around, hoping ghost wolves didn't arise to talk to her. She wasn't in the mood for their various complaints. Her walking had slowed down to a gentle pace, she shook her head as her common headache returned near the temple region. She let out a soft groan, before feeling something slidding around her neck. She didn't bother look down, knowing that the familiar yellow and black snake had coiled itself around her like a necklace.

"Kyrra, you must rest for a little for that headache." He warned her, letting his tounge flicker to taste the air. "Or at least get some water." Kyrra shook her head simply, "No, Sylar. Let me just be silent right now." She explained, letting her tail lower and trotting on farther.



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As she walked on, it seemed that more whisps rose from the burnt and dead surroundings to dance around her, and an easy smile kept its way on her ghastly features, looking almost out of place. The smile turned to a bewildered frown as the souls suddenly flickered and disappeared. "Hm..?" her ears twitched as she heard a small sound, and tilted her head to the side as she sniffed the air. Another wolf, they must have been frightened off. Souls tended to be reclusive things, except to of course, soul wolves themselves. "Caddy, darling. Go check that out, would you?" she asked in a low voice, soft and almost hollow. The crow gave a small croak, before pushing himself off his wolf's back, taking to the sky.

Coming above Kyrra, he swooped down and circled her a few times, before cawing loudly and shooting back up above the trees. Travelling the short distance back to Marionette, he landed on her shoulder. "Wolf and snake!" he reported. At this, Marionette nodded, closing her eyes slowly. Her mouth opened a bit, her head tilting back just slightly. It was rather impossible to tell what she was doing by simply looking at her, but she was testing this other wolf... telling by their soul whether they were friendly or not.

The info seemed positive enough, and she moved forward, adjusting her path so she would come across the wolf. She kept to the darker shadows, letting her coat help her blend in. When she spotted the slightly larger wolf she stopped, thinking for a moment before strolling into plain sight. "Good evening." she said with a friendly smile.


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
♂ Tythar Dalyn || 3y || Light || Lyerly
♀ Leah Hael || 2.3y || Air || Palindrome
♀ Gweneira Bryne || 3y || Ice || Isolde

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Kyrra's ears flickered back and forth as if there was another wolf nearby, she stopped and stood stock still. She lifted her head up to the sound of wings above her, directing her violet gaze skyward. She let out a small smirk, "Just a crow." She murmered allowed, only to hear Sylar give off a single grunt before letting himself lay semi-limp around her neck.

"I wish it was midday, I hate feeling lazy when the moon rises high up in the sky." He complained aloud, almost giving off a faint echo around the scorched forest. Kyrra nodded her head in understanding, she was the complete opposite with her love of the moonlight. Her eyes closed to focus on the pain that pounded in her head, a strange black wolf appeared before her and the psychic wolf blinked her eyes open to look around to see if this black wolf was around. Upon opening her eyes, she flinched as the same black wolf appeared before her.

"And, good evening to you." Kyrra replied with a cooler tone, letting the fur along her body relax from the flinch. "What brings you to this part of the forest?" She asked, letting her multicolored tail swing calmly at her ankles. A warning hiss from Sylar was heard, but she rolled her shoulders to make him stop.



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She smiled as she felt the familiar brushing of whisps around her. They seemed to understand that there was no immediate danger. "Oh, nothing in particular... I am a simple passing traveller, though the amount of souls here is both shocking and welcoming company." she commented, her voice soft and ethreal in a way. Cadaver hopped up and down on her back, before abruptly pushing off and flying in circles around Kyrra and Sylar. Marionette shook her head in amusement, watching her companion fly amongst the whisps.

After a moment she turned her gaze back to the other loner. "And what about you? Passing through as well?" she asked, reclining down to her rump and tilting her head to the side, patiently awaiting an answer. There was still that same, easy smile on her face. Yet there was no particular emotion on her face. All at once her eyes lit up with something, and she laughed suddenly. "Oh, my name is Marionette! How rude of me not to mention it." she introduced, laughing uneasily. "The crow is my Helper, he is named Cadaver." This was followed by a sharp, raspy croak from the bird, who landed on the ground beside Marionette.


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
♂ Tythar Dalyn || 3y || Light || Lyerly
♀ Leah Hael || 2.3y || Air || Palindrome
♀ Gweneira Bryne || 3y || Ice || Isolde

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Calique ventured around the barren forest, Tala scouting overhead. She swooped down onto her master's shoulder and spoke into her ear. "There are other wolves up ahead," she said in an excited tone. "Let's go then," Calique smiled and ran with a commanding confidence to the wolves Tala had descibed. She soon saw them, and slowed down time, only for a little bit, to take in their appearances. She returned time to it's normal state and approached with caution. "Hello," she said to the pair. He tail was a dirty purple because of the use of power. She would never show it though. Tala landed on her rump and took in the wolves, pecking Calique's back in approval. She drew one drop of blood, but Calique took no notice. She remained smiling at the new wolves.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Kyrra gave a slow nod of her head, "I would expect that, it seems the fire that once raged through here ended many lives." She commented in a calm voice, lifting her violet eyes and looking around at the dead trees above her. They were so still and quiet, the air seemed to be double as thick her. Her helper let out a single hiss before lifting his upper body upward to get a better look at the black wolf.

Kyrra's eyes lowered down once more to be equal with that of the other. "Oh, yes. I am a mere loner passing through different territories. This one seems very interesting, in my eyes." She commented, letting the tip of her tail swish behind her. There was something oddly clam about this wolf, but it was comforting to her. "Well Marionette, I should probably introduce myself, aswell." She let a small smile creep along the corners of her muzzle, "I am Kyrra and the snake coiled around my neck is my helper, Sylar." She spoke calmnly, giving a curtous dip of her head.

Lifting her ears up, she felt another presence around her. "Another wolf is around." She murmered, her eyes moving across to where a white wolf stood. She let out a small smile as the new loner spoke. "Hello to you, too." She called back.



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"Yes, it was a fire. I spoke to them about it not long after my arrival here... it was a terrible occurance. Many of them have not yet found rest, still lingering until their home is as it was..."
she murmured softly, her voice a bit melancholy. Marionette had a connection with the souls, she felt their sadness.

At the new arrival, the souls fluttering around Marionette once again vanished, and the girl sighed. "Such fickle things souls can be; so shy, you know..." she said with a touch of amusement. Her eyes glowed a bit, and Marionette was again at ease when they returned to her. Bowing her head to the newcomer, she smiled. "Hello there." she chimed, folding her fluffy tail over her paws. Cadaver hopped up off the ground, flying circles around Calique and Tala, much like he had with Kyrra and Sylar. He landed on Calique's back in front of Tala, cawing up at her.
"Big bird! Big bird!"

Marionette rolled her eyes at this, standing up. "Caddy, get back here!" she called out sternly. The raggedy bird's wings rustled, and he took flight, soaring back to sit on her shoulder. Marionette dipped her head to Calique, smirking. "I appologize. Cadaver is not wholly well in the head." she said with a chuckle, even as the crow pecked lightly at her ear. "My name is Marionette, welcome to the forest. Apparently it's more populated than I had thought." she commented, smiling still.


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
♂ Tythar Dalyn || 3y || Light || Lyerly
♀ Leah Hael || 2.3y || Air || Palindrome
♀ Gweneira Bryne || 3y || Ice || Isolde

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Kyrra's ears tilted forward at Marionette's words, she looked confused as if the wolf was there during the fire. Kyrra was about to question who she talked to, before she spoke of souls. Kyrra breifly let her gaze fall on Marionette, looking at her up and down. Was she a ghost wolf, or a soul wolf? Noting that she was much more alive than a ghost wolf, she concluded that this black wolf was of the element: Soul. "Shy or not, I'm sure they keep you with good company." She spoke with an amused voice.
Kyrra felt a tighten around her neck, before a looseness that was slidding around her. Sylar slunk down to slide over Kyrra's shoulder, down onto her leg and slowly swinging down her leg. Hitting the ground, the reptile laid down at her paws. Bringing it's head up, he gave an warning hiss to the new wolf. There was too many wolves around Kyrra, Sylar would have to be aware of these ones. They showed no harm, but you never know if they wanted to play some sort of trick.

Kyrra nodded her head, "Yes, I thought I wouldn't expect this many wolves to be in the baren side of this land." She added in after Marionette. She could hear the faint voice of Sylar below her, "Yes-s, too many. Must be a trick." Kyrra gently pushed her paw on Sylar's thin body to hush him.



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Calique let out a small laugh. "It is no problem," she said, watching the little crow. Tala cawed her hello to the helper but remained on Calique's back. "I'm just passing through, wasting time...." she trailed off thinking about her element. He weak violet tail swished back and forth at her company.

"I am Calique, by the way. And this is Tala," she motioned to the vulture. Tala hobbled up to Calique's shoulder and then took to the sky with a powerful caw. Calique watched her go, not wanting to hold her back. She was a bird, she deserved to be free.

Calique was also wondering what so many wolves were doing here, considering there were so many packs around. She tiled her head at her companions. "I'm sorry i didn't catch your names," she said with a small smile.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Kyrra uttered a small laugh, "Seems like all of us are passing through." Growing more comfortable around them, she delicatly sat down to let herself relax. Her headache pounded but she showed no signs of the internal pain. "I am Kyrra and my companion here is Sylar." She introduced, giving a small recognition to Calique.

Sylar gave another hiss before letting his tongue flicker out to taste the air. Kyrra gave him a stern look before lifting her gaze to the others. "Don't mind him, he's just protective." She explained to them, hearing Sylar sigh in frustration at her comment.



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Mari smiled at Calique, "My name is Marionette, the crow is my Helper, Cadaver." she said, yawning slightly. "Well, I see nothing wrong with simply passing through. It's open lands... I myself just got here, really. I've been travelling for some time now." Standing, she shook off her fur and dipped down into a stretch. Straightening up again, she sighed and looked around. It was almost odd being in company after months of not having it.

Cadaver pushed off her shoulder suddenly, moving up to fly with Tala, cawing repeatedly, nothing in particular really, just noises. Marionette laughed a bit at him. "See anything interesting Caddy?" she called up. The raven paused, hovering in the air and shaking his head. "No more wolves!" he chirped, and she nodded. "Well ladies, it seems for now it's just us here." she said with a shrug. "Were either of you heading anywhere in particular?" she asked, smiling as she felt the souls around her grow more comfortable, swirling closely around her.


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
♂ Tythar Dalyn || 3y || Light || Lyerly
♀ Leah Hael || 2.3y || Air || Palindrome
♀ Gweneira Bryne || 3y || Ice || Isolde

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"No, not me. I scented pack borders, but i quickly turned the other way. Pack life is not for me, i much prefer the company of loners, and of course Tala," she smiled at Marionette. Her tail was slowly turning a brighter purple, showing her power was coming back. She felt more at ease now.

Tala cawed to Cadaver, saying hello in her own way.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Eclipse walked around in Phoenix gulf, looking for Midnight. "Where is that pesky little crow?" He growled to himself. Earlier that day, as he was about to eat some kind of little rodent he had somehow stepped on, Midnight had stolen it from under his nose, not that he cared about it much but it gave him something to do. Eclipse raised is nose into the air and tried to catch his helpers scent but instead, he caught he scent of a group of unknown wolves. Veering away, his large wing, incapable of flight, brushed against a large, dead branch, snapping it with a sound like a shot. Eclipse winced at both the noise hurting his sensitive ears and failing at remaining unnoticed.

~Frost~ *Eclipse*
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calique's ears perked up at the sound of a branch snapping and she looked to her companions. "Did you hear that?" she wondered, just as Tala swooped down in a large ark, landing on the ground in front of Calique. "There's another wolf," she announced to the whole group, with her head held tall and proud. She strutted around the ground, digging into the dirt with her claws. She paced in front of Calique.

Calique watched her friend happily. "Scared?" she wondered. "Never," answered Tala as she stopped moving.

Calique slowed down time, and looked into the forest, getting a glimpse of a male stalking through. The shadows hid him well, but the slow time made him much more visible. Calique released her hold on the time continum, and things sped up back to normal, but her tail was a murky purple again. She sighed, but at least she had an idea of the male.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Kyrra rolled her tan shoulders into a shrug, "No, I haven't been in this part of the forest for too long, just wandering around for no reason." She turned her head to the white wolf. "Packs? Around here?" She asked in curious voice, knowing that she wasn't the best advocate for pack life. It was probably one without powers which made life worse with fitting in. Then, again, when was she someone to 'fit in'.

The psychic wolf lifted her head to the sound of the snapping tree branch, one close by. Her head turned to the noise's direction, letting her eyes scan the forest beyond. At this sound, Sylar immediatly tensed up and swung his tail back and forth in bitterness. He lifted his head up high and tasted the air once more, catching the faint smell of dead leaves, soot and a foriegn figure. He let out a small hiss, followed by the faintest of drawing his lips back to let his teeth poke out. Kyrra knew there was no way to calm him down once more until it appeared before them.



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The female tilted her head to the side at the mention of yet another wolf. "And perhaps I was wrong, maybe we aren't alone." she said with a chuckle. Her ears swerved to face the sound of the snapping, and sle closed her eyes. The souls around her trembled, then shot off in the direction of the noise, and a whispy, white, ethereal substance seemed to mist out of her mouth, winding its way into the air. It shot off after them, and Marionette's small body slumped forward a bit, her eyes a blank silvery-white hue.

After a moment she suddenly returned to normal, shaking herself off violently. She took a moment to regain her composure, breathing deeply before speaking. "Brr! Such an odd feeling. But! The good news is I believe the wolf comes in peace... his soul seems peaceful enough. He might be like us; just passing through." she reported, scratching behind her ear, the tip of it flopping wildly with the weight of the earring attatched.

-- Edited by Rai on Monday 19th of October 2009 07:16:52 PM


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
♂ Tythar Dalyn || 3y || Light || Lyerly
♀ Leah Hael || 2.3y || Air || Palindrome
♀ Gweneira Bryne || 3y || Ice || Isolde

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"Oh," she said, suprised at the she-wolf's gift. "You are a soul wolf then? I don't imagine you are a ghost for i can see you clearly," she chuckled airly, and watched the bushes. They would never be able to see if she used her gift, for it never showed besides the dimming purple on her tail.

She shook herself as well, as if she could feel the spirits curling around Marionette. She wasn't afraid necessairly, she was just unnerved a bit. She had met a ghost wolf once before and i was not a pleasant experience. She cringed at the thought.

She turned her attention back to the shadows, feeling the wolf a bit closer now. She slowed down time again and walked up to the wolf, staying in the shadows of course but observing him more closely nonetheless. The seconds she slowed down changed to minutes, and she saw the male. She almost cringed at the sight of him, he was dark and a bit frighteneing. Calique decided she had seen all she wanted to, and sauntered back to the group, taking up the position she left.

She returned time to its normal pace and smiled. She loved time.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Kyrra was almost mesmorized watching Marionette allow whisps form out of her mouth and away. She looked up and spotted nothing before allowing her gaze to return to the other females. "Until that wolf leaves or arrives before us, we shall never know if he has peaceful intentions or not." She added her voice to the group's. Was this part of the forest always full of wolves? She thought silently. She looked back to the black wolf, wondering if this wolf had guessed her element correctly. She couldn't use too much of her power, she didn't want them thinking they were in the presence of a psychic wolf.

Kyrra felt her eyes fading out, so she quickly turned her head away from the group as to stare out blankly without them noticing her gaze. It was almost like a dream before her, she spotted Calique and guessed it was about her. She seemed to have connected with Calique's memory of meeting with the ghost wolf that Calique seemed to recall mentally besides her. Watching the scene before her, before it faded out and she was staring out into the shadows of the forest. The cream wolf turned her head and looked back to the group.



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Crimson eyes turned to Calique, and she nodded. "Soul, yes. I hope I didn't freak you out at all, souls simply tend to move faster." she mused, her tail wagging lightly. "What about you two?" she asked curiously, turning her eyes from Calique to Kyrra. It seemed she had forgotten about the male that was roaming through the forest, but she was already pretty sure he meant no harm... and even if he did, there was three of them, so it was okay!

Looking to Kyrra, she voiced her opinions. "I really don't think he means harm, and if he does... I think the three of us can handle it." she said, doing her best to sound reassuring. She was rather intrigued when Kyrra turned her head away from them for seemingly no reason, wondering if she had heard something. "Something wrong?"

Cadaver flew down after a moment, landing on the ground. He hopped side to side a bit, before pecking at the ground suddenly, pulling up a worm. Slurping it down, the bird peered up at Marionette for a second, bouncing lightly, then fluttering up to rest on her head.


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
♂ Tythar Dalyn || 3y || Light || Lyerly
♀ Leah Hael || 2.3y || Air || Palindrome
♀ Gweneira Bryne || 3y || Ice || Isolde

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Kyrra turned her head to Marionette, what she feared the most was voiced just now. She shook her head clearing her thoughts before speaking. "Oh, I am of the Sensibility element." She spoke with a clear voice, lying the whole time but she was good at lying about her element. Kyrra let her striped tail limply sway back and forth in a calmness.

Kyrra nodded her head, "Ah, that is quite true. I'm sure he is no match for all of us," She repeated to give herself more certainty. A stern voice from Sylar added on, "And if he tries anything, I could always clamp onto him and inject my venom into his bloodstream." He rested his banded head down on part of his coiled up body.

Kyrra's eyes flickered as she asked if anything was wrong. "Oh, no, it's nothing. Just heard a scurry over there, I'm sure it was a vole or something scratching it's way into the dirt." She lied, adding more realistic details to sound as if her 'sensitive' ears could catch that sound in a heartbeat.



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Calique smiled and Tala cawed around her on the ground, showing her dislike of Calique using her element unneccisairly. "Oh yes, we three are a fierce foe," she said with a small chuckle though she did mean it.

At Kyrra's odd response, Calique tilted her head. She didn't quite believe her, but there was no way really to tell, who was she to judge? Calique let the thoughts escape her mind and thought about how she should answer the element question.

She decided that she trusted these females, and anyway, if they went after her, she could slow down time enough for her to get away safely. "My element is Time," Calique said with pride, and Tala nodded her head approvingly. "I have always found Soul quite interesting, do you like your power?" Calique wondered.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Pounding on the ground,the thud of a pumping heart.The howl of a lonley spirt.He ran back streaching,muscle's pushing,paw's gripping.He scented wolve's but he ignored it.And before he knew it his gracful body was going toward's 3 wolves...female's he thought.His shadow's blowing behind him.He stopped and slid to a stop in front of the girl's "Hello ladies."


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Calique growled slightly at the male's sudden appearance. She hated when people crept up on her, but she also knew this was not the male she had slowed down time to see in the forest.

"Hello?" she wondered, with a hint of agitation in her voice. Tala cawed in alarm and took to the skies, circling like she had found a dead animal. Calique stood his her head high and her tail straight, showing she was in control here.

She watched the male with cold eyes, he seemed arrogant, even though he spoke so few words.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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He looked at Calique "Hi..."He watched her she seemed egdy.He laughed silently to himself.He sat down his dark shadow's making a pool around his feet.


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Calique raised an eyebrow. "Anything funny?" she wondered, staying standing. Dark wolves were so obnoxious. She rolled her eyes sarcastically.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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He looked at her irritably."No I don't have a problem but you seem to."He said his tail flicking angrily.


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"Well excuse my behavior," She said, finally sitting down. "You just ran up on me i can't really be so chipper when that happens," She explained, still weary of this wolf. How could he expect to run into a conversation and be welcomed in right away? He startled her, it was to be expected that she was on edge.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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"Well excuse me for inturrupting your beautiful conversation.He turned and said "Ill leave then."He walked away with a angy swagger in his step.


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"I didn't say you had to leave," she commented, watching him walk away. He didn't have to be so pup-like about it. She sighed. That could have been an interesting conversation, she thought.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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He turned around and said "Well it seemed like you wanted me to.I seem to be doing that a lot..get in the way."He shruged and walked back to her."I am Banshee and you are?"


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"Calique," she announced her name with pride. "Banshee is an interesting name," she commented, tilting her head. She didn't say anything else though, he could elaborate if he wanted to


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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She nodded to Calique, grinning. "Of course I like it. I'm never lonely, and I can tell a lot about people." she said, lifting up her chin as a soul brushed under her head. Glancing to Kyrra, she blinked, "Sensibility? Good, then you can tell how far away the male is." she said with a smile, wagging her tail.

As Banshee suddenly strolled in, she blinked and watched the conversation between he and Calique. Standing up after a moment, she strode over. Peering up at the larger wolf, she gave him an odd smile. "Hello there. My name is Marionette. You smell like many wolves, do you come from one of the packs?" she asked, rather curious.


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He shifted his attention for a momnet to smiled at Marionette."Yes I am from a recently joind pack.He shifted his sitting position so he could see both of the wolves.


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She nodded in understanding, still smiling like usual. "That's facinating!" she chimed, sitting down as well, her tail lightly swaying. Cadaver jumped from her head to soar around him, his usual way of studying someone. Marionette's red eyes glowed a soft silvery color as she glanced into his soul, raising a brow at what she sensed there. She made no mention of anything, however, deciding the girls didn't need one more male to be wary of.

So instead, she leaned over to peer behind him, looking at the gleaming band of rubies on his tail. "I like your little band thing, there. It matches your eyes very nicely." she complimented truthfully, deciding to try and make friends. Dark wolves were often tricky characters, while they could seem nice, as she had seen in her little reading, the capability to be cruel was all too there.

-- Edited by Rai on Wednesday 21st of October 2009 01:30:49 PM


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
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He looked at her and said "Ahh yes it was also quite hard to get."His eye's glinted at the stament.He smiled a little deviously."And my name is Banshee."


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She blinked, and nodded. "Oh was it really now? Care to share?" she asked with a smirk, her tail still wagging a bit. The way he said it made it seem as if the method he had used to get it wasn't exactly friendly, but Marionette wasn't always the sweet little thing she portrayed herself to be, she wouldn't get unnerved by anything the male said. "Pleasure to meet you, Banshee." she said softly, dipping her head respectfully to the dark wolf.


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He smiled and said "Let's just say that It took a few fight's and a really bad attitude."He smirked at her and winked.


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Kyrra was hesitant on answering Marionette's question, thanking the gods when another wolf came to avoid the question. She gave an unsure growl at this wolf, she didn't like the looks of him and by the way his mind read...she didn't want to have anything to do with him. Kyrra had to act like a Sensibility wolf, so, she would have to act like the only information she recieved was from the way he walked here. Her violet eyes looked around, if this wolf was a darkness wolf and the other darkness wolf was out there. Were they up to something?

Kyrra sat down delicatly near Marionette, keeping quiet. Sylar, hearing about the fights he went through, immediatly lifted his head off and gave off violent hisses. He did not want Kyrra near this devious wolf. Sylar wound his tail around Kyrra's leg and gave a small squeeze.



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Banshee looked down at the little snake and with a fick of his tail Jackyl his bat swooped over and bit the snake's tail.Laughing as he flew away.The vampire bat greedily licked the blood off of his mouth.Advantage He could fly the snake could not.


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Kyrra flinched as the bat swooped down close to him. Sylar had spotted the bat coming for he was used to striking with quick speeds to attack and hunt. When the bat flew down and bit him, Sylar paid no attention to the small pain in his tail as he quickly snapped at the bat's hind leg with rapid speed, hoping he had enough time to sink his fangs in to inject venom into the flying bat. He let out a warning hiss, "You deserved it, never sneak up on my or my wolf." He threatened.



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Banshee laughed at the little snake "No one snuck up on you asked for it hissing at me for no apprpriate reason."Jackyl watched the snake with a smirk he knew that Banshee would protect him.He looked up at the snakes wolf and said "Please have your helper"He spat the word."Refrain from judging before he know's my inner personality."


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A small laugh worked its way out of her chest, and Marionette nodded. "I see. So it was stolen. Some might really disagree with that method." she said with a nod, glancing at Kyrra when she sat next to her. The other wolf had a sort of unnerved vibe around her, so Marionette lightly laid her tail over the other female's, wagging it up and down, similar to a pat on the shoulder. Marionette honestly was not worried. She knew how to fight if it came down to it, and they still had a number advantage. Plus... they had a snake! Marionette giggled at her mental joke, the smile unfading as she looked at each of the wolves in her company.

At the display of such venom almost being put to use, Marionette couldn't help but laugh. "Please, everyone... let's be calm. There's no need for a brawl. It makes the souls very angry, you know... and this is their forest. You would do well to respect that."

-- Edited by Rai on Wednesday 21st of October 2009 05:42:20 PM


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Joker wanderd though the green leafy part of the forest.He walked into the burnd part trying to bring up life but they just died.This saddened him.As he walked further the bright green glowing of the flames on his body almost seemed to light up the whole forest.He found a fertile tree.He sent it up into the sky taller than all of the other's.He let the new leave's fan out.He hoped this would finally bring new plants.Kane flew low to the ground coming to a halt and landing gracfully on Joker's shoulders.Joker felt the other wolves and he figured they had all seen the tree shoot up green and vibrent.


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Kyrra said nothing, this was not her will to make Sylar snap out at the bat. Sylar let out a cold hiss, "I never ssssaid it wassss you. Your little helper sssnuck up on ussss." He said, not taking notices to his slurring of the 's' as he grew more aggitated.

Kyrra let out a soft glare at Banshee, "Do not bring me into this, I do not control my helper's mind. Because, maybe, he has the right to judge." She said in a cool voice. Kyrra looked over as Marionette seemed to be trying to reassure her, she didn't need to be reassured over this wolf. She usually got along with dark wolves, but he seemed to be the odd case. Kyrra let herself slump back on her haunches and relax, watching the group. Her eyes gave a slow blink and within that blink she noted another male wolf was near them.



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