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Zorr looked over his pack from the entrence of his den. His deep eyes showed a hardness, watching over. He would need more members, it seemed to have dwindled as the older generation slowly died off last year. He felt his ears twitch foreward hearing the familiar caw of his helper. Lifting his head up to look at the black eagle soar around in a circle high above him. He let out a small smirk and let out a low howl to his friend.

Swooping down, Thor quickly landed down on Zorr's shoulder. "Seems quiet today," Thor commented, ruffling his feathers and tucking his wings in. "Yes, it's odd." Zorr murmmered, feeling his paws crackle from a small fire under his pawpads. Shaking his paws, he made the fire vanish.

-- Edited by Evildragon on Friday 4th of September 2009 09:01:36 PM



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Arta looked around, grumbling at the lands. She smelled another wolf in the area, and smiled at the thought of someone new to torment. Jace landed on her shoulder with a a soft patter of wind and Atra growled.

"What do you want Jace?" she mumbled as the hummingbird fluttered in front of her face. "I saw a wolf up ahead, Atra. He was a fire element," Jace said as he swished back and forth at a barely visible speed. "Oh lovely," Atra said with an evil laugh. "Back up Jace," she commanded and the hummingbird flew into the safety of the trees. Atra opened her flightless wings and howled, asking permission to enter the territory. She balanced on her back paws and shot up a shpere of dark energy to allow this fire wolf to know her power. Arta fell back down to the ground and smiled, showing her incredibly pointed teeth. "Jace," she called, and the hummingbird obediently landed on her shoulder. "Yes Atra?" Jace said with a small happy chirp. "We have a new home," she chuckled, and padded forward into the forest.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr's ears perked up to a howl of a new wolf, he felt his chest puff out and his head rise up regally. Thor gave Zorr a strange look, before noticing the orbs in the air. "Looks like a Dark wolf, Zorr, not from your lands. Be careful, it could be a Ronoh pack trick." He said with a small hiss.

Zorr shook his fur, "Thor, We will find out once we see them." Thor nodded and flew up into the forest. Zorr started at a slow walk but quickened his pace into a trot. He approuched the wolf, she was definitly a dark wolf. "Who asks for permission to enter Sera lands?" He asked, his eyes narrowing at the black-winged wolf.



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Atra grinned at the male wickedly. "I am Atra," she said simply, locking eyes with him. She looked at the hummingbird fluttering around her head. "And this is Jace," she said. "Who might you be?" she said, looking at the wolf. He was obviously some sort of Alpha, and Atra couldn't wait to see what type of mischief she could cause with him.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr eyed Atra carefully, "I am Zorr, alpha of Sera." He said, bringing his tail up proudly. "Why have you asked permission to enter Sera lands?" He asked, his voice was hinted with a growl. The way she grinned had brought the suspicion up with her, dark wolves were pretty clever. Zorr's eyes lifted for a moment to look at the hummingbird and notice how small it was compared to his own helper. His attention turned back to Atra quickly.



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Arta noticed Zorr's glance at her helper. "Jace, leave me," she commanded, and the hummingbird flew into the safety of the smaller tree branches, watching closely at what was happening. "And i have asked permission because i am ever so lonely. I scented no other wolves in the area besides yourself, and thought you might be lonely too? Dark wolves are so looked down upon because of the powers we posess. Please do not judge me on my power," she said, with innocent eyes. This wolf smelled of ashes and fire, and Atra knew those wolves were always good and kind, at least in her experience. He would not know the judgement she had faced because of how she was born.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr gave a soft snort as Atra told her helper to distance off from him. He eyed her, "Lonely? Even with a helper?" He asked, letting his tail sway back and forth. She seemed to be eager to join the pack, but he could not help with her loneliness problem except to let her join the pack. He felt himself staring around Atra to make sure she didn't pull anything on him.

Thor came through the tree line and perched himself up high above Thor. His black head looked down regally at the scene.



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"Even so. Jace is part of me, and i wish to be with wolves more like me," she smiled innocently and saw the black eagle in the trees. "Yours?" she asked.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr nodded his head slowly, it was a good answer on her part. He looked over at her, "Are you just here to visit?" He asked, letting his voice give off an eerie demenor. Zorr turned around to see what she was talking about, turning his head back to Atra. "Yes, Thor is my helper." He commented, hearing Thor rustle his feathers around his chest.



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"Well, no," She began, glancing at her feet and twitching her ears so she would seem nervous. "I was looking for a more permanent home," she glanced up at Zorr and rustled her wings that were folded to her sides. "If thats alright by you," she added quickly.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr eyed her carefully and he did need more members in his pack. He gave a small nod, "You may join Sera, if you choose to. I will be watching you as a new member to see if my decision was wise or not." He said with a stern voice. He turned around without another word and bounded off back to his center of the packlands. Zorr didn't need to tell Thor, for the eagle opened his wings and flew off folowing Zorr.



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Atra grinned evily and giggled. He had fallen for it. She bounded after him with her wings outstreched, wondering what it would be like to actually fly. She followed after her new alpha and Jace followed her. She came up next to Zorr and looked up at him. "So if its just the two of us here, would you like to know anything more about me?" she looked up at the black eagle again and feared for Jace once more. He was her inconvience, being so small, and the eagle could eat him, leaving Atra powerless. Jace perched on her shoulder, and normally she would have flicked him off, but today she wanted him near her at all times. She smiled invitingly at the alpha, so he would know that nothing was wrong.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr kept at a quick pace, letting his head give a small shake. "There used to be more wolves, but we've dwindled in size since the older wolves passed on this year. Then, the offspring of them died to a sickness that got rid of the younger, reprouducing wolves. Now, it's just myself to uphold these lands that have been passed down since the earliest of time." He explained with a cold voice, feeling the fresh wind belt past him as he ran. His paws soon were engulfed in flames as he ran.



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Atra listened to the story carefully and kept pace with Zorr easily. When his paws started to flame, Atra's own powers spiked. A dark shadow seemed to follow her, and her paws dissapeared into the shadows, her dark mixing with Zorr's fire. Atra almost struck out in rage at her being unable to control her power, but then again she hadn't been with other wolves in a while and controled the urge. "Thats an interesting story. I've never owned lands for myself, but have been many places," she said, thinking to the lands she had destroyed with her power and corruption. She smiled at the thought, revealing her line of wicked sharp inscisor teeth.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr watched the shadows start to mix around his paws, he gave an unsure growl and edged away from Atra to prvent the shadows from engulfing around his paws and destroying the fire. "Like what kind of places?" He asked, letting his tail give a single swish.



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Atra chuckled at Zorr's retreat. "Oh everywhere, deserts, moutains. You name it, i've been there. I've been in many packs aswell, but they never like me much and i move on to the next," she sighed dramatically and urged the shadows to grow, causing them to spread over her legs and strech behind her like a tail. She giggled nervously and happily, watching the whisps of darkness swirl around her.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr skidded to a halt and looked at her with suspicious eyes. His eyes gave off a small flicker of flame round his pupil, "Many packs that haven't liked you much? How do you know I can trust you as a pack member if I know this?" He asked, feeling like it was a mistake to let her into the pack so eagely. How did he know she wouldn't move to a different pack after so many wolves dislkiked her?



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"Oh Alpha. You think it is easy for a wolf of the dark to make friends? It is rare i find someone like myself, or anyone that accepts a dark wolf for who they are. Most wolves hate me for the fact alone that i am dark. I am a good wolf in every aspect possible and i try desprately to be good but no one can see past the broken wings and shadows. I just haven't found a pack that had accepted me yet," she explained, dulling the darkness at her feet until it was but a whisper of the shadows that once were. She saw the fire dancing in Zorrs eyes and immediately reaconized a bit of fear in her. He was definately stronger than her, and she backed up a pace for respect. "Forgive me, i did not mean to alarm you. I will not act against you or your pack as long as i live here," she said, and Jace buzzed near her ear. He was laughing, because he knew her words were not true. "Bow!" Jace whispered, so the other wolf and hawk could not hear. Atra bowed deeply, extending her wings to their full flightless capacity and lowering herself onto one knee.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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"Then you must be lucky, for I accept all elements in my pack." He mumbled under his breath. "I better hope you keep to your word, since it means quite a bit to me." He stated, his voice was strong. He shook his head and gave off a snort as she bowed to him. Turning around without another word, he bounded back into the meadow where the base of his territory was set up.

Thor turned his head down to look at Jace. He could've swore he heard the faintest of his laughter, but kept himself from saying anything. He blinked his great eyes before lifting off to hunt.



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Atra giggled happily and looked up at the eagle overhead. "Jace my darling?" she asked and he came up next to her. "Give that eagle a good prick for me will you?" she whispered with a smiled and bounded after Zorr, catching up to him quickly and keeping an easy pace. Jace on the other hand flew up to the eagle and before the bird could see him, and poked him in the back with his sharp beak. a bit of blood spilled as Jace flew away so quickly he was invisible. Jace found safety on Atra's shoulder, and smiled because he knew there was no way the bird could have seen him.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr watched as Atra approuched near him with her helper. He shook his fur wondering where his helper was.

Thor felt a needle-like object jab into his body, he quickly turned his head to see nothing. Muttering curses, he swooped down and perched himself on Zorr's back. He eyed the hummingbird, that seemed to be the only thing small enough to reach him, peck him and fly away invisible. He kept his beak clamped and stared at the bird with a narrow expression. One more little antic and that little bird would be begging for mercy in his sharp talons.



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Atra watched the eagle, noticing the trickle of blood on his back. She kept her face impassive but was smiling on the inside. Jace perched himself between Atra's shoulder blades so she could protect him with her wings if necessary. Jace and Atra knew this position well and had used it many times over the years. She smiled innocently at the bird and then Zorr. "Your helper appears to be bleeding!" she exclaimed, faking shock perfectly and examining the bird. "Are you alright?" she asked the eagle with a small innocent smile.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr turned his head sharply at her comment. The Ronoh pack surely didn't try to get him, did they? He let out a bark, "What happened, Thor?"

Thor lifted up his wing, blocking Atra from exaiming him. "I am alright, just a scratch from my next prey." He said gruffly, ruffling his feather and glancing over to the hidden hummingbird.

Zorr shook his head at Thor, "Well, I'm sure it'll heal fine." Zorr reassured his helper.



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"Oh alright," she said cheerfully, backing away as to not alarm the bird any further. Jace nestled into the fur on her back and Atra almost winced at the pain. "Your not hurt are you Jace?" she asked as the little hummingbird fluttered in front of her face for a moment. "No Atra. Hope you feel better Thor," He flutttered in front of the eagle for a second before returning back to the safety of Atra's back.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Thor rolled his eyes at Jace, looking over at Zorr. "Zorr, I'm going to go be useful and survey." He said.

Zorr nodded his head, "You have fun with that." He joked, nudging his shoulder upward for Thor to take off up ahead and away. Zorr looked over at Atra, "Care for a hunt? My stomach is growling." He said in a lighter mood.



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"Yes please," she smiled, nudging Jace off of her now that the eagle was gone. The hummingbird flew into the nearest tree and watched the sky. The poor little creature never liked what Atra did, but he always obeyed her. He didn't realize that she needed him as much as he needed her.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr nodded his head, "Well, I'll take you to the hunting grounds." He said, motioning his head over to the north. Picking up a quick pace, he looked around and let his tongue swipe across his muzzle. "Ah, the elk herd has settled here tonight." He whispered over his shoulder, assuming she had followed.



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"yummy," she mumbled, following after Zorr quickly with her wings firmly pressed to her sides. She sniffed th air and caught the scent, making her mouth water.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr looked over at Atra with a small smile, he focused back over to the elk. Spotting a older doe, he watched it walk with an odd limp. His ears flickered forward, "Okay, how are we going to do this?" He asked, wanting to stratigized before chasing after it.



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"How about you get the left side and i get the right?" she said, seeing the older elk Zorr was focusing on. "He should be an easy kill," She commented.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr nodded, "Sounds like a good plan." He veered off toward the left side, he dipped his head before looking out at the old elk. This would be an easy kill, he could probably take it down with a snap and a crackle of fire, but he was meerly holding himself to see what Atra would do.



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Atra veered to the left, exactly opposite of Zorr. She knew he was waiting for her to use her powers, but she was reluctant to show him what she could do. In her experience, there was power in secrets and she didn't want to let this one out just yet. She considered using her poisonous bite, and decided that when Zorr gave the signal she would use it. She nodded to him through the bushes, showing him she would jump when he said to. She poured her darkness off of her skin, concealing her perfectly in the shade of the bushes. The elk wouldn't even see her when she got him, and Atra smiled at the thought of fresh blood.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr gave a small twitch of his nose, his paws itching to race across the lush field and pounce on the elk. He couldn't help himself and crept forward, before stopping himself before the ancient old instincts kicked in again. Zorr looked like a bright flame in the shadow, he had noticed the rest of the herd pick up their heads to stare blankly at him. Watching him to make sure that Zorr didn't advance on their herd. Zorr's crimson eyes flickered as the bull elk's lowered there antlers and swayed in defense.

Zorr gave a flick of his tail to Atra, indicating to sneak attack the weak elk. He would join as soon as they were distracted with something else.



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Arta got the message. She lunged from the shadows and up to the weak elk's neck. The animal flipped around in suprise and atra hit the ground hard, but she snapped back up quickly and nipped the elk at his heel, letting a bit of poison from her teeth sink in before darting away.

She saw the elk charging at her before she scented them, which was odd. She turned and darted into the trees, while some bucks from the herd chased her. one got a scratch across her abdomen, but Atra swallowed the pain and kept running. After a while, the elks gave up in her persuit, for she had greater endurance than they.

Atra circled back to the clearing where she had bit the elk and looked for Zorr to see if he had finished off the old creature, and maybe gotten a small bit of poison in his mouth with it. Atra smiled at the thought of the alpha running around with the foul taste in his mouth. She licked her sharp teeth and continued to look for her new alpha.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr watched as she made a small band of bucks chase after her. He dipped his head and slunk off toward the failing elk. He noticed it's breath was heavy and slowed down considerably. Faltering a little before it collapsed on the ground with a blind look in her eyes, she let out a sputtering moan. Remembering Atra bite into it's heels, he wondered if she injected poison into it since it seemed to be dying much quicker without major wounds.

Zorr leapt up to his paws and bounded over eagerly, letting his tongue circle around the outside of his muzzle. He looked down at the old elk, life still in her as she gave final attempts to stand. He let out a soft chuckle before flashing his fangs into her neck, holding it until she died chocking on her blood. He lifted himself up and scowled forgetting about the poison. He spat the blood trying not to swallow, before setting his mouth on fire to burn away the poison.



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Atra padded up to see Zorr setting his mouth on fire. She chuckled to herself. So he had tasted the poison.

"Is it that bad?" she wondered with an innocent smile as she sat next to him. She new it was common respect to let the alpha eat first, but he would need her to suck out the poison from the elk's blood if he wanted to eat. She waited patiently at his side as her stomach started to growl.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr shook his bright fur, "To you, it might not be. To me, it's vile." He spat, wiping his paws against the tip of his muzzle. He looked over at it, "I'm assuming the poison coursed heavily through it's veins for the kill was quick. You might need to drain the poison." He commented, letting himself sit back on his haunches.

Suddenly, a small shadow circled around the meal. It descended and landed on the carcass, about to dig his claws in before Zorr spat a small fireball at it's wing. "Poison, don't touch." Zorr stated simply, as Thor let out a sigh of relief and settled on the branch nearby.



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"Very well," She smiled and walked up to the carcass, sinking her teeth into the spot where she origionally bit the creature. Arta gulped down the still warm blood until it tasted clean. In her opinion it was better with the poison, but she could see Zorr didn't have a taste for it.

"It's clean," She said simply and stepped back, allowing Zorr first picks for the meat. "I didn't mean to anger you by using poison, but it is one of the main ways i hunt," She said, watching the eagle with a tilted head. It made her wonder where Jace was, but before the thought was even half-developed, the hummingbird landed on her shoulder. She was about to shake him off like usual, but she thought better of it and let him be.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr nodded his head graciously at her cleansing the meat. "I'm not telling you that using poison is bad, just make sure it's clean before serving it to others." He stated simply. Bending down, Zorr pulled against one of it's limbs to unattatch it.

He, then, dragged it over away from the carcass. Blowing onto it, a jet of flames poured out of his mouth and onto the leg. The leg caught on fire and caused it almost to burn before extingushing the flames. He licked his lips and started to dig into the cooked meat.



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Atra's stomach growled hungrily and that feling increased when the scent of Zorr's cooked meat reached her nose. She laid down to mask her hunger and watched the carcass with a predatory stare, thinking of the timgs she wanted to say to Zorr. She would have cleaned it if given the time and not being chased by strong male elks. She almost snorted to herself. She would never have done that anyway.

Jace fluttered around Atra's head before landing on the meat. He was not like other hummingbirds. Since he was indeed the helper of a dark wolf, instead of feeding on nectar, he fed on blood. Jace dug his razor-sharp beak into the meat and pulled out the warm blood. Atra snarled at him and he jumoed away, she was not ok with him eating before she did. Jace retreated back to her shoulder and hung his head lower so Atra could see he was sorry.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr licked his lips and gnawed at the meat, letting it slid of the bones easily. "You can join in, I'm not going to eat it all." He replied with a small, laugh under his tone. He looked back down and pawed at his meat before biting into it.

Thor hopped on his two legs over besides Zorr, watching as the male ripped a peice and threw it at him. Thor pecked at it to make sure it was dead, as by instinct, before clawing into it. Holding it up to his beak to eat the meal by small peices.



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Atra growled happily and started away at the meat, tearing at it like a savage. Jace began slurping up the warm blood from differnt parts of the carcass in an almost invisible pattern. Atra smiled thanks to Zorr through her blood-stained mouth and giggled in happiness.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr returned the smile before shaking his fur as he finished up his meal. He started to gnaw on the bone, sharpening his teeth. "So, how long have you been traveling around before coming to Sera?" He asked, staring at the bone intently as he chewed on it.

Thor hobbled in delight over to Zorr, pressing his feathered-body next to the wolf and tucking his wings in neatly at his side.



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Atra's head perked up at the question as she thought of a good answer. "About 6 full moons or so. The last pack i was in was called Argon, and it was very far away. My half-sister was alphess there but she hates me deeply so i left almost as soon as i arrived," she said carefully and Jace nodded his approval of her lie. Leaving was not exactly the same as being chased out of a pack viciously, but Atra knew how to bend a story so it was believeable

Jace hovered above his mistress's head now, curious as to how this conversation would go.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Padding slowly along the bank of a river was a blue wolf.His shiney coat was dry at the moment and was spiked from the wind blowdrying it.His eye's scanned the water for any sight of Minky.A brown faced popped up nose to nose with Aiden.He started to laugh and said"Hi there."Minky his helper was a fuzzy brown otter.Minkey then said"I saw a pack a few mile's up there."He smiled and then Aiden said"I'll follow you in the water."The otter slipped back underneath and then Aiden dove under.His blue fur swirled around him.He started to swim serpent like.His tail helping him go forward.He opened his mouth and took in a mouth full of water.He opened his eye's that were now covered in a thin layer to keep any microspopic animals from infecting his eye's.He swam forward going up when Minky did.And he gazed around.He sensed wolve's near by and slid outta the water.


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Atra felt immediately another wolves' presence. Her dark energy was reacting to the happier brighter energy that had just wandered up. A black pulsating auora blossomed around her, but Atra quickly cooled herself down and the auora faded. Jace buzzed in her ear nervously. Atra looked up at Zorr with a questioning look. "Another wolf is near," she said simply and watched the line of trees for another wolf. She licked her lips and smiled wickedly.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Minky stopped Aiden."What if they try to harm us?"Aiden smiled down at his friend.Wjile most wolve's thought of there helper's ar slave's he thought of his as a friend."Minkyit's simple.We may be nice but we know how to defend ourselve's."Minky smiled reassured and climbed up onto Aiden's back almost as long as the wolf.Aiden walked forward.The pulsing energy's were stronger now as he stepped though the tree's he saw them.A fire and a dark.Minky's tail swished nervously he knew dark's were trickster's.Aiden stopped and looked at them.The black fea's fur making a almost sickly aura.


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Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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Atra turned her pretty black and red head and saw him. A water element. She stood and streched out her wings, not saying a word. She could see in his eyes fear already of her. She smiled wickedly at his blue fur. "Hello," she said smoothly and tilted her head, as Jace zipped up near the wolf's head and then flew back to Atra. She let small whisps of dark energy flow out from her paws across the ground to the wolf. They were meant to scare him a bit, and maybe give him a chill. She smiled delightedly


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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As the little black whisps of darkness almost touched his paw's.He pulled a wave ov water out and under him pushing then away while it setteled into the soil.This fea was obviously a brat and could problably use some manner's.Minky crawled off his back and stood in between Aiden's front legs.He looked at both of the helper's he knew if the humming bird came close enough he would snap.Aiden's purple eye's flicked to Atra's face.His eyebrow lifted in a you've go to be kidding me stare.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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Judging. Again. Atra was sick of this constant judgement. "Ouch," she pretended as one drop of water hit her paw. She lifted it to her lips to lick it like a cat. It tasted like salt. She tilted her head to him in a 'why do you hate me already' look. she looked down sadly and pulled all of her shadows back to herself. "You energy reacted with mine, please excuse the tendrils of dark smoke," she said in a low note. Jace buzzed annoyingly in her ear and she resisted swatting him away


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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