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Roleplay #4

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((Dun Dun Dunnnnnn...And to reply to anyone's earlier post since this is a new board. Look to the last roleplay board (Roleplay #3) to find what you need to reply too))


Zorr paused, taking a few preening steps forward as he was inches from the border. He looked to the rest of his pack.  He noticed an eagle nearby, hoping that it was Kanji. His own eagle rested on his back, looking nobley before everyone. His wolves were here at his side and he watched into the darkness, making sure that no wolves were around. Dropping down to lay on his stomach, just incase and to avoid being spotted from a while away. Thankfully Atra's shadows disperesed to provide a small enough coverage from being spotted.



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The male swooped down, landing infront of Zorr.
"Good news," He stated. "We have distractions. Apparently a wolf has given birth." He said, not knowing about Yami quite yet.

Flapping his wings, he shifted back into his original form. "Besides that, we should enter from the south. Kenpachi and Lupita; the alphas, are both residing over there." He quietly nosed his way towards the bushes, "If you crawl deep enough, you could see them." He warned.

"And, Besides that, I noticed an electric wolf entering just before I landed. He seemed to know the ice wolf. I wouldn't be surprised if it was her son." He said, figuring that was the odds of it.

"The rest, my Alpha, is your call." He lowered his head and respecfully walked behind the alpha as if to tell him to continue, under Kanji's leg was Bandit, who looked up at Kanji one last time for luck, before scurrying into a tree for safety.

-- Edited by Munsteh on Saturday 15th of October 2011 05:12:12 PM



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Zorr nodded quietly as Kanji reported. It was a good thing Kanji sent off to scout, they could've easily made their way over and got caught before given the chance. "Pack, we shall heed Kanji's words. Let us stealthily make our way to the southern border, we shall attack there. There shouldn't be much worry except by the alphas, as they are too busy with the birthing. No harm shall come to the newborn or the mother, so avoid those dens." He announced, loud enough for the wolves around. With that, Zorr shifted upward and started to walk quietly toward the southern border. His eyes scanning around, and ears shifted upward to detect any sounds.


Atra listened to Kanji, before nudging Aeris to join her as she soon followed after Zorr. She threw another cloak of shadows across the border, causing a fuzzy mist to disguise their brighter pelts.



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He followed the male precautiously, wondering when he would be able to attack Kenpachi. Scars were hidden beneath his nerdy heart as the male relived his experience in Ronoh. No more would he be bullied, it was time for revenge.

He walked next to Vishu, since they had the same goal. "Don't forget, eyes." He reminded the male, "Less obvious than the stomach, if one of us is going for one weak point, I suggest the other take the next one." He tried to figure out which animal he would use as he would fight, speaking plans and jumbling up different ideas in his mind as he spoke in a whisper to the male beside him. A simple glimpse, and he still hadn't seen Dezera.




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She noticed Kou sitting now, "Kou do you need my help?" She asked kind of frantic, "Should I stay here with you?" She added. She then looked back towards the rest of the pack, Strange scents filled the air...They were in Ronoh now.


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As the crossed the border the males coat ripled almost like liquid metal as he followed after Zorr, he wondered when they would finally pick up the scent.


He nodded and scented with his sharp nose and said "We're getting closer to them." He loked at Kanji hoping Zorr had heard him.


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"Oh, did he now?" Grimmjow muttered, trying in vain to hide the smirk on his face. He would have LOVED to watch his sister get raped. Why? It was just how he was. Even though he didn't like his mother's fawning over him, he made no aggressive gesture- at least it was him, and not his sister. "Now, Mother. Stop fussing." He jerked his head away, and instead trained his eyes on her helper. "Hello, Opal." He greeted, smile wicked. It was always amusing to see the pine martin scramble.

There it was again-that strange feeling, and he didn't like it. Lips turned up at the corners, the armor wolf hackled, but he didn't dare growl. He needed to hear all that he could. He listened for anything-everything. Kenpachi tried to tell himself that it was a squirrel, but his gut told him that it wasn't, and it was never wrong. His muscles coiled, tensing under his thick fur, which was now slowly beginning to harden into stiff strands of armor.

Humming absent-mindedly, the light wolf picked at the flowers before her, as she had lost interest in the butterfly. Well, Naomi was gone.. so who else could she play with? "Hey! I know! Yami! Yaaaami! Where are you?" She called, rearing up on her back legs to try to smell her, but to no avail. Oh well. Picking a random direction, Yachiru padded that way, not really knowing where she was going.

Ears flicking every which way, the fire wolf tried as best he could to be as silent as possible, but with his rather muscular build, it wasn't easy. He brushed up against Aeris as a sort of comforting gesture, before sinking low. Pity they hadn't set the forest on fire, as his yellow, orange, and red marking stood out like a sore thumb.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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He saw Yachiru wondering around, with his weird senses he didn't want her getting lost,"Yachiru, I'll play with you near by if you want, I have a bad feeling and I wouldn't want you to get hurt of something" The fire wolf said in a sheepish way to the pink wolf, everything felt so strange. He looked over at Kodi and it seemed like he had the same feeling.


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Naomi looked at Grimmjow, was that sympathy that the brother shared for his sister? She smiled lightly, wondering if her young son was maturing. She knew about sibling rivalry, but it seemed her children took it to the extreme. Hopefully, Grimmjow didn't acquire his father's genes. Naomi backed up a little while, a bright look crossing her face as she watched her son.

Opal, as soon as the electric wolf called to her, let out a shriek and darted off to hid underneath Naomi. Naomi shook her head, "Oh, Opal, there is no need to be afraid." She replied calmly, trying to nudge her helper away but the pine marten wouldn't budge.

She turned back to her son, "What brings you back to Ronoh?" She wondered.



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Zorr finally reached the southern border, he dropped down onto the ground and watched silently for a moment or so. Seeing no signs of Ronoh, Zorr rose up once more. He turned to the warriors. "The time to attack is now. I wish you all the best of luck in this battle, I just want you to know that I'm proud to be your alpha. Heed my call if we must return back to Sera," He announced in a more hushed down voice. He turned his head toward the darkness of the forest. His ears angled forward and he gave a signalled flicker of his raised tail, indicating to persue forward and surprise those Ronoh wolves with their planned invasion. Thor had opened his wings and took to the nearest tree branch, as soon as Zorr would start running, his helper would be close behind in the air above.



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Mind snapping back to reality, she turned around, incredulous look on her face. "But what about Yami? I haven't seen her for a while! Maybe she's lonesome!" But Tarin had promised to play with her.... "I know! What if we go see her together? That way, I can play with both of you!" Yachiru grinned and wagged her tail back and forth, hopping around.

ooc: Lmao. Tarin makes me laugh. Why? Because he'd have to be someone special to get past Kenpachi. Lmao. Did you not read the comic that I posted about 'Yachiru's Potential Boyfriends'? XD



Grimmjow narrowed his eyes and his ribs hurt from holding in his laughter as the helper crambled for cover and didn't come back out. That was priceless! "Me? Come back? Mother, you know me. Just pop in, check on my family, maybe stay for a week or two, then go and train myself. I've gotten quite good, Mother." The young wolf grinned darkly, sun reflecting off his skull fragment. "You should see."

-- Edited by Shomei on Sunday 16th of October 2011 03:57:52 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She let out a soft sigh, hiding a nervous laugh. "Well, it's always a surprise cause I never know if one day you'll just never come back to visit the family." She twitched her black nose, glad that Grimmjow was at least coming back into the check on things, rather than leaving them to only guess what was happening in the young wolf's life. "Oh, my dear, I wouldn't doubt it. I bet your the strongest wolf out there, I bet you could beat any wolf that tried." She grinned, looking up at her son. "I'm sure I'll witness it some day, as long as it's not on me." She let off a small laugh.



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"Ooh? You will, Mother. Sooner than you think. I sense a change in the winds." At this, the young brute gazed over his shoulder. "We've heard some...rumors, Pantera and I, and I think it's best if you hide your precious little Opal and get ready." Grimmjow's sharp eyes wandered over the landscape again, just to check again if anyone was watching. Though he wasn't about to throw himself at his mother, he wasn't going to let her die, not if he could help it.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She tilted her head at Grimmjow as he grew more serious and, almost paranoid. Her smile turned into a thin-lipped on. "Get ready? For what?" She asked, extremely confused. She didn't like how Grimmjow was looking behind his shoulder every so often. Her one eyes gazed out past him, trying to figure out what he was glancing at. She spotted nothing. "I don't understand. But, rumors could be overexaggerated and be false." She asked, trying to rationalize that they were all safe here. There was the attack on Yami, could he mean that wolf was returning or had others with him to do the same thing again?



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The aging wolf walked to his den before catching an odd scent... Grimmjow? He stepped up his pace till he saw his son and said "Grimmjow..?" he looked at him confused as to why he was back.


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Yes I did haha, Oh well!


Kodi Told Tarin a little bit about Yami when they were walking back to Ronoh, "Uh...I think she might be resting, we wouldn't want to wake her." Tarin said. "C'mon, I'll play any game you'd like" He said.


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In a split second, Grimmjow had turned from prodigal son to a danger, as he growled at his own mother. He was trying to help her, and all she could say was 'it was false'? At his father's voice, his anger seemed to simmer down, but a tooth was still exposed. "Better to be safe than sorry, Mother. Wouldn't want /anything/ to happen..."

But he didn't greet his father with the same courtesy. "Aiden. That alpha has not kicked you out yet for trying to attack your own son?" Grimmjow called out mockingly with a sneer. The wolf before him held no favor whatsoever.



"But!" The pink wolf began to protest, but could see that it was becomming increasingly hard to, especially with Tarin. "Oh, all right...What shall we play?" Yachiru became excited again, her tail wagging faster than ever.


-- Edited by Shomei on Sunday 16th of October 2011 05:01:45 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Naomi's ears flew backwards as her son growled at her before calming down. "Your right, it is. I'll be more wary," She replied softly, her head lowered before lifting back up at Aiden's voice. She walked up to her mate, brushing her head underneath his for a moment of greeting. But, at Grimmjow's words, Naomi backed up and looked at him. "Attacking Grimmjow?" She asked, looking wide eyed in shock. No, Aiden wouldn't do that?



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He got closer to her so that he could whisper in her ear, "We should tackle Kodi" He whispered with a snicker as he looked at his pal who seemed to be out of it and quite tired. "On the count of one...two..." He started counting.


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Aiden lifted his lips slightly in respond and said "I attacked you for good reason, and if you were around a bit more you'd understand that our 'alpha' likes fighting but considering you like to run off you wouldn't know." he shook his head and walked into his cave with a loving lick to his mate " Should have known you wouldn't have changed." he said in a low tone.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


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Kou quietly batted Noras side with her tail, giving her a more serious glance. "shh." she said, turning to Tyson. She knew this male had a plan for them, but speaking wasn't needed right now. "last thing we need is to be found." she said, quietly.



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Yami heard a strange voice as she opened her eyes. The strange voice made sence, now that she saw her brother. Akemi was mumbling as he entered the cave, not wanting to see the disgusting creation his sister had to bare. "what do I name her?" Yami asked, with a sad sigh. She knew Akemi wasn't happy to see her. Akemi huffed in some air before lying to his sister, "How about, Kali." he said, "Destruction of Time," he nodded at her, and sat down. "Yami, she is beautiful." he finally spit out, hating to say it. "I am proud of you. Stay strong." Yami nodded quietly as she watched her brother leave without another word. She lowered her head to look down at her nursing pup. "Kali." she said, quietly. "I like it."



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She then shut up and stopped talking, She too looked at Tyson with desperate eyes, waiting for orders from him. She stood silently and tried not to make a single sound.


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"Aiden!" Naomi gasped, reeling away from her mate. "What is this reason for attacking him? He is our son. I don't want fighting to happen between this family." She scolded the two of them, before taking her stand between both of them. "I don't want you chasing Grimmjow off, not when he has returned once more." She felt Opal's brush of fur as she peeked out to scan the two wolves. Naomi watched the two of them, expecting some kind of explaination.



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He shrugged and said "Him and his sister were fighting. It was getting out of hand so I stepped in." his tail curled up in a dominant stance showing his son he was still in charge here because Grimmjow just never seemed to get the whole respect thing.


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The alpha watched as the healers laid low, out of sight. He nodded his head before turning and giving a dip of his head as he took his part to invade. Zorr started slow, weaving his way through the forest. Unseen and Unscented for the time being. He wasn't near any wolves at this point, but kept himself alert. His pace started to increase and his muscles remained tense as to when to strike with the nearest wolf that crossed his path.


The dark wolf took the alpha's signal, following after Zorr for a little while he called the invasion. Atra's red eyes flickered, soon turning into a deep black color. The rest of her body soon was consumed by shadows, keeping her invsiable to the whole world. She veered away from Zorr, making her way towards a similar path that was somewhat familiar to her. The time when she invaded and Kuro was kidnapped. Shadows wisped around her, clinging to her frame.

She spotted a group of wolves up ahead, a female and two younger males. She crouched down in the shadows, keeping her own shadows over her to make her invisable as she watched them in silence. A frozen snarl crossed her face. These full grown adults were playing? How childish was this pack? She shook her head, her eyes gazing out at them as to pick which would be her target to strike. Atra couldn't attack now, she'd be outnumbered. She needed another packmate with her or pick them off one by one. She just had to lay and wait.



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Naomi looked up at Aiden, "You couldn't have told them not to fight?" She asked, her ears folding flat against her head. "But, attacking? I'm sure there was more than one way you could've stopped it without harming him." She replied, shakily.



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"Wait, I don't think right now is a good time to play Yachiru...Things seem way to weird" He said to his pink friend. "We need to keep our guard up, I have the feeling we're being watched" He added, Then looked at Kodi.


"Yeah, Man...I feel it too, It's eerie" He said looking out into the forest,he didn't see anything yet, but he could feel someone's presence and it wasn't welcoming.


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The dark wolf rolled her eyes as the two males became wusses and were going to stop playing with the female because of their weird feelings. Atra felt a smirk appear on her features, they were becoming fearful. Perfect, they didn't fight well under panic. The thrill of instilling fear brought a warm feeling to her dark heart. Atra kept silent, her eyes flickering to each of the wolves and she could feel venom start to fill into her fangs for nice bite. Let them be afraid of the unknown and their supersitions.



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He went up in flames and stood up and held his ground, He stepped in front of his pink female friend, "Kodi cover my back, I don't like this feeling at all" The fire wolf said. He was on edge ready to take on whatever that was going to come out of the brush.


He fumbled a bit then also got his head in the game, He went behind Tarin and stood his ground also ready. He had twelve inch icicle spikes sticking out of his back now.


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She saw Atra find wolves and padded after her silently with A nod to her fellow wolf before watching the other wolves. They needed to attack before the wind changed directions....They should have brought that air wolf. Kuna bared her fangs as the elongated and sharpened visibly.


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Atra shot a glance, not noticing that Kuna was nearby. Maybe that was why they started getting weary. That wolf better not get her caught. Atra extended out some shadows subtly to cover up Kuna to hide her pink fur. She looked over at Kuna, giving her a nod. Wind wouldn't be an issue for her, her shadows always left her undetectable for the most part.

Atra mouthed an order to stay silent, wanting to play with the wolves heads before them. They were getting ready for nothing, there could've been nothing for as much as they were concerned. They were stupid. No wonder they were from Ronoh. "Soon" She mouthed to Kuna. "Just wait a minute"



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The wolf was greatful for the shadows but crouched low anyway the idea of blood sending adrenalin though her body. The pink wolf nodded to orders she mouthed "I get the pink and we can go half on the red?" her chocolate eyes lighting up with the terror I these wolves. Weaklings.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


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He had pretty decent hearing, "Did you heart that?" He said then looked right in the direction that the camoflauged wolves were in. "I think I heard whispers" He added. Still not letting his guard down.


"You sure it wasn't wind?" He asked Tarin, He was slightly nervous, Could it be Sera? He didn't let fear consume him though.


"Who knows, Better to be safe then sorry and unprepared" He told the Ice wolf then looked back at the same bush he had his eyes on before.


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Atra held in a dark chuckle as she knew Kuna would be enjoying this fear, as the anatomical wolf could easily detect their emotions and body functions. She gave a small shake of her head toward Kuna, "I got frostbite. You, either flamer or pink. Split the one you don't choose." She mouthed, blinking her eyes and motioning toward them to get her point across.

Atra then thought up a plan, she flickered her tail back and forth and soon her helper was besides her. She gave a nod of her head, as the hummingbird was quite aware of what her wolf wanted. For this was a famous move to her, as it worked on the first meeting of Zorr.

Jace flew through the leaves, causing a noise before fluttering out into the open. The small hummingbird buzzed back and forth between Kodi and Tarin as if to be distracted before zipping back into the tree line as if scared off by the flames from Tarin. This was planned for a great distraction.



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She nodded shed go for pink then fight off the red male. She felt her powers go out to the wolves wanting to blind or suffocate them right here but if she did that there would be no fight so she refrained. The she wolfs body tensed as she readied herself to spring.


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He glared at the annoying hummingbird, "See Tarin I told you, It was just a hummingbird!" Kodi shouted. He was still sort of tense and behind Tarin, He was trying to convince himself more then anything that it was just the small pest.


"Shut up you fool!" He whispered loudly,"I heard someone whispering, and it was not a hummingbird" The fire wolf added. "Stand your ground, and stay behind me and Yachiru, i don't want her getting hurt" He explained.


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"Oh ho! So he didnt' tell you..." Grimmjow hackled, bearing his teeth. "Was prepared to send a rock-hard wall of water at me, he was." He loved the way his mother stood up to him. "And that was after I decided not to fight. Plus I couldn't see. So he was going to attack a blind yearling." He continued, voice rising in what some may consider helplessness. "I was so scared, Mother." But inside, he was laughing. His father's face!

"Huh?" Yachiru wonderd, being pushed behind Tarin and Kodi. What was going on? The pink wolf shrank back...And appeared behind the two warriors from Sera. "Boo!" She yelled before tackling one, simutaneously letting off a burst of light. That would hopefully scatter the darkness surrounding the other. She clamped onto the other pink wolf's fur and clung on, wrapping her own limbs around hers to keep her pinned. She hoped the other two would get to the other one before that one turned on her.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She snarled as the pink wolf attacked her Kuna managed to wiggle her way out and lunched at her throat, how did this wolf see them? Kuna lashed out with her paw the nails long and sharp digging them into the she wolfs shoulder.


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He growled at his son and turned around his violet eyes flaming "You need to leave, because you run off and break your mothers heart and then come back and try to cause problems? We raised you so much better but now I don't even want to be around you. Go away." the older wolf growled and advanced on his son.


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Kanji set out, trotting at his own speed as he made his way towards the Alphas. "Vishu, you comin or what?" he whispered behind his shoulder. Noticing two wolves bickering, Kanji continued to stealthily walk by them in a snake form, beneath the grass and out of view. He saw the Alphas now, and looked around for a distraction. Surely he could lure the female away, but how? Kanji looked for Zorr, now would be a good time to light on fire and bring her towards him, but what if they both followed? Kanji took a moment to breathe while he slithered under a rock waiting for Vishu and the time to be right.



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Stomping around, the rather pissed off male walked back and fourth, back and fourth. Ugh! He was so angry! He growled and snarled to himself, getting his own adrenaline pumping. As if imitating Kenpachi, the male ran at a tree, batting into it with his side. There was a loud snap and the tree was beginning to fall over once Akemi realized what he had done. Taking a breather, he stepped back and looked around. Wait.. Were those wolves fighting over there...? Well.. That can't be good. The male looked around, now feeling as though his life would depend upon Yami's child. He would protect them both, no matter how much he hated them. Now.. Who was out there, an what did they want?



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"What are you doing right now, hmm? Breaking my poor Mother's heart. She's happy to see her son. Why aren't you?" Grimmjow shot back, feeling like Aiden had no right to boss him around. "In fact, just because you don't want me here, I'm going to stay as long as possible. Besides, it's not like I'm doing anything now. Infact, you should thank me. I'm trying to help her."

"See, Mother? I told you he doesn't love me."

It was lucky that the Light wolf was so fast, as she managed to replace herself with a copy once Kuna had leapt free, and then pounced on her again. "Howl!" She ordered, letting of another intense flash of light, in hopes of temporarily blinding or disorienting the other pink wolf. Though her claws weren't as long as the Sera wolf's, Kenpachi had taught her well as she scratched at the soft arm-pits.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Just as Yachiru managed to get behind her and most likely sensed her as light often did with dark, Atra too had sensed her. She recoiled and swooped back with darkness, avoiding any attack the pink wolf might have on her. But, she managed to go after Kuna. Perfect.

Atra sprang out from her spot, her lithe body allowing for quick movement despite her wings getting in the way. She leaped at Kodi with her claws, hoping to tackle the wolf to the ground and slash at his side. Atra sent shadows around Kodi, hoping to kill the wolf's sight in the process and disguise herself once more.


Zorr noticed as Kanji was nearby, soon vanishing before even seeing the wolf. The quick scent of the alpha went through his nostrils. He smirked and swung his tail around, setting the part of the forest into flame. No doubt, the forest might all catch on fire. It would smoke the wolves out and bring some advantage around him. "Burn, Baby, Burn!" He shouted out through the smoke. Zorr took a few steps and stood besides the engulfed tree. He stomped his front paws as if they could see him and challenge him. He hoped it was the alphaess, rather than the alpha for he had two wolves hunting for him. If so, hopefully, Vishu and Kanji were nearby enough to leap out and take Kenpachi before he went to Zorr's spot.



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He followed after Kanji a malicious grin on his face but as he spotted Kenpachi he let a silent snarl form on his face. At the sight of the ugly brute vishu felt disgust well up in him making him want to throw up. He felt his familiar hatred consume him as his pupils shrank.


He saw Akemi and let a fierce grin form on his face, he saw Kuna get attacked and was wondering why none of these other wollves had caugh on yet, well whatever proved their intelligence.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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Naomi's eyes flickered to Aiden, hoping for an explaination or telling her that it wasn't true. Why was her mate treating Grimmjow as so, sure they never got along. But, harming her own son? And when he was helpless? Her mind was reeling and as Aiden threatened her son. Naomi barred the way between Aiden and Grimmjow, her face was furious as she stood her back toward Grimmjow. She first turned her head toward Grimmjow, "Son, quiet. I don't want to hear another word right now." She warned, not wanting this fight to escalate.

Turning back to Aiden, she flattened her ears back. There was a mixture of hurt and anger showing on her face. "Don't you dare, Aiden." She growled, "Don't you dare send him away. He just came back and he should be welcomed, not chased off. It does my heart good to see him and you need to accept that. I want my son around and if you can't accept that..." She growled but then lowered her eyes, "If you can't accept that, then your not the wolf I decided to be mates with." She hated the thought of leaving her mate, but if he didn't want to accept her children, then he would never be able to accept her. Her children, despite their conception, would always be in her life.

Naomi was too into this family despute to even notice the commotion going on nearby.



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As the forest ignited, the alpha merely grinned, surprisingly cool. "Zorr." He acknowledged, smile spreading wider. His muscles coiled and tensed, preparing to spring. But then Vishu appeared, and his attention then turned. Forget Zorr. he had had enough of Fire wolves. Lupita could take care of him. Head lowered, his eyes never left the younger white wolf.

There was nothing that could save the young one. He would rip out his throat like he had his mother's. It would be swift, painless... Kenpachi smirked. "You caught me in a good mood. I won't kill you if you turn around now." It was never his job to put down injured pups, but if that's what it took, then he'd end his life without hesitation.




As his mother stood before him, shielding him from his father, Grimmjow could relax. He pretended to cough, but well-hid a snicker. Now he could focus his attention on other things. Like the sounds of a brawl in the woods. Hmm... The fight had come sooner than expected. He sank down onto his belly. "Opal," he murmured softly, as his mother was too busy to hear him, "I want you to go hide, alright? Find a nice hole and stay there until this is over." Luckily, he didn't have to tell his helper to do the same, as the blue lizard slunk off his pelt and away somewhere.

Now all that he needed to decide was who to fight first.

-- Edited by Shomei on Monday 17th of October 2011 12:25:18 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr noticed the attention had turned and he moved his gaze to that at what the alpha was looking at and speaking. How did the wolf see Vishu already? Zorr growled, hoping Kanji was well with him. Somewhere out there. Zorr turned to look at Lupita, bracing himself and setting himself up in flame as he waited. Kanji spoke of Lupita being electric, so she'd be a quick wolf and no doubt come charging over here unless she went to help Kenpachi.



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Naomi's helper looked frightened as she caught wiff of the fear scent from the others, or was that herself? She flinched in surprise as she noticed Grimmjow's boney muzzle near her and whispering to her. She cuddled up closer to Naomi, almost as if she could disappear into the ice wolf's fur. She was hesitant, would she rather hide for saftey or keep to Naomi to make sure she was fine and would protect her?



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As the helper still stayed put, the electric wolf sighed. "It's not safe for you, not even with my mother. I'll protect her myself, alright? I just need you to go. I'll handle this." Grimmjow tried to keep his voice even, and sweet, and soft, even though he was loosing his patience. If they found a helper, they mot surely would kill it, and then their wolves would be powerless. He wasn't about to let that happen to his mother. "Go on."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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