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Roleplay #5

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The wounded warrior stirred as she was pulled away and the familiar scent of Sera filled her nose. She forced her eyes open, feeling them heavy. Her head lifted just mere inches off the ground as she tilted her head upward. They were in their den and it was beautifully painted of the night sky. A small smile placed along her features as she turned to look at Rai, looking exhausted as her. She tried to scrabble to lay down besides him, to press her black fur against his white fur. "R-Rai." She managed to say, coming out as a soft mumble.

Black Pup

The black pup felt shivers run down him as he was greeted so by this cold new world. He instinctively let out sequels of fear, of coldness and of hunger. He felt a radiation of heat before him, causing him to move closer to it. There was a strong smell, one that he had recognized and gave him a comforting sensation, mixed with the scent of sweet milk. He flailed his limbs, not knowing what or how to use them but some how, they had helped drag him over closer to the warmth. He ended up latching onto Catorii, filling his stomach with the milk while his squeals changed to those of contentment. He pressed his tiny paws against her stomach to keep his grip on.



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Catorii had fallen asleep for a moment to get some rest after the work she had done, before opening her eyes to see her two pups squirming and getting the Hang of things. She let out a sigh, not wanting to name the balls of life without her mate. "For nOw, thing one and thing two, it's just you and I. I think you'll like your father, thing one. You have that strong look about you, I can feel it," she cooed to the black one, before nudging the white pup who wriggled around, arms and legs flailing like his sibling towards his brothers warmth. It wasn't much success to suckle on his brothers foot, an soon he was nudged in the right direction. "you two ate beautiful. Er, handsome." she giggled and began quietly singing to her pups, a song of strength as she hoped her pups would have the strength to continue on.



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She carefully guided Vishu to Sera," Where do you want to go to rest?" She asked him, kind of shouting over the rain, her fur was becoming much darker now that it was wet. she was hoping he'd pick somewhere with shelter.


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He wobbled to an empty cave that smelled of must from not being used. As he lay there the rain had slicked his fur to his body showing of his lean build filled out with round hard muscles. He curled up on the floor his injured shoulder aching with the storm.


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Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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Though he was bone-dead tired, Rai made the effort to get as close as he could to his mate. Again he made a 'shh'ing noise. 'Don't speak. Save your strength.' He wondered when Kou was going to be back, and hoped it was soon. Atra was beginning worse. 'Hang in there.'


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She followed him into the old cave, She shook her body dry then laid down next to him to harvest body heat so they don't get sick from the cold. She nuzzled into his wet fur but was careful so she didn't hurt him.


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The tired wolf found her way back to the pack and smelled blood strong making her pupils shrink but shook herself people needed to be helped. She followed the scent and found Atra and whispered "I don't mean to interrupt but I think I can offer somehelp.." He lightly placed her paw on Atras and transfered her powers clotting the blood and putting a fresh layer of skin over the open wounds. Her eyes drooped from exhaustion and said "I wish I could do more but I'm to tired right now, but what I did should stop the bleeding at least.." She backed out of the cave and said "It was an honor working with you Atra."


He cuddled into her and said "Do you know how amazing you are?" He turned blue eyes to her, a tired look on his face. He was exhausted and in pain but he stayed up for her.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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she giggled, "How do you figure?" She asked him. Looked into his eyes with her Rosie pink ones. She licked his nose as she waited for his reply.


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He smiled and said "Because I'm alive. But I hope you know this war isn't over and I will fight Kenpachi again." He gave her a seriouse look before licking her face softly.


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Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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She nodded. "Yeah I know, I didn't think Zorr would give up that easily" She told him. "But thank you, I'm glad I could help you recover" She added as she tickled his back with her fluffy tail.


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He nodded and lay his head across her paws, his eyes dropping closed on accident. He felt the pain sink away in his unconsious state.


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Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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"Sleep well, my Darling" She whispered to him as she rested her head gently on top of his and closed her eyes as well, she was also very tired from their journey.


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Atra gave a sigh of contemptment as she felt Rai besides her, mustering some strength to wrap her tail around his. Atra didn't even shudder at Kuna's paw being placed on her, her voice just got a flicker of Atra's ears in recognition. She wasn't going to die, was she? No, she could. She was Atra! And she wouldn't die until she saw the day that Ronoh took over. She allowed her head rest besides her paws, her eyes slowly flittering close as exhaustion took over. Her breathing remained ragged, though Kuna's power had given her some extra time to bargain with as her body tried to repair itself.


The dark wolf limped home, his tattered and burned wings splayed out and dragging against the ground for it was painful to fold them. Kuro let out a choking hack at the smoke build up in his lungs as he spotted Kuna leaving the den. He lifted a brow and proceeded to walk closer toward the den. He frowned seeing his mother and father, both looked weak for different reason. His mother looked in horrid condition and Kuro suppressed a whine. He didn't want to see his strong mother like this, on the brink of death. Kuro didn't speak any words, the dark wolf just stood there watching. Almost wondering if he should show the slightest bit of love toward his family, even if they hadn't given him any in return.

Kuro swung around, surprised that the white wolf his mother prefered over him wasn't at her side. Kuro growled and lumbered toward the white wolf's scent, noticing him cuddled up with the healer's apprentice.

"Rather be here with a female you just met than at my mother's side? You make me sick. I can't believe my mother favored you. Hope these moments with her are worth more than with my mother." He snarled at Vishu, knowing the wolf usually slept lightly. With that, Kuro stormed off toward the small stream to get some water to wash himself off before returning back to Atra and Rai.



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His eyes snapped open and as he was insulted he followed after Kuro with a low grow and said "We all fought in that battle Kuro, and I couldn't care less if you don't like me but I'm not in a good condition. You want your mother to favor me then fine, she always has anyway." He snarled his muzzle inches from the wolf. He was tired and wasn't going to stand for being insulted.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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Rai rested a bit easy now that his mate was resting, and healing. He just prayed that it would be enough to spare her life. As his son's scent was carried into the den, the white wolf rasied his head, milky eyes searching blindly for something he could never see. Then he was gone. His heart began to sank again, but perked up once Kuro returned. 'She's okay.' He told him, hoping that he was telling the truth.

But as Vishu came into teh picture, Rai managed to pull himself up, and bore his teeth in his general direction. Atra needed rest, and he was certainly going to help her in any way possible. Also, he wasn't going to stand that sort of talk towards his son.

(forgive me if this was wrong. from Evil's post, it sounded like Kuro left, talked to Vishu, bathed, and came back)

-- Edited by Shomei on Monday 24th of October 2011 08:03:17 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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He turned his muzzle around and was face to face with the spitting angry Vishu. He didn't seem to be having a valid point to his rebuttle. Yes, they all fought in battle, that made no difference. "You're not in good condition? Who is from the battle? I'm not, my mother isn't and nor is that pink wolf, Kuna. Do you want a pat on the back for the worse injuries?" He spat cooly, his eyes level with Vishu. "Other wolves are afraid of your anger, but not me, bud. I'm just spitting the truth out and if you don't take it, then, that's not my problem." He swung his muzzle away and looked into the darkness of the cave once more.

"Now, while you go back to sleeping with your prized wolf that's too young for you. I will be returning back to my mother to try and make sure she doesn't die." He growled, faint shadows forming before dissolving as he didn't have the energy.


((Editing post: Your right, Ben, I think I did. He had returned))

-- Edited by Evildragon on Monday 24th of October 2011 08:10:01 PM



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He growled in anger and said "The best part is Kuro, no one asked you to fear me and when was the last time you cared if your mother was alive huh?! Why do you think she favors me? Because I actually love her and maybe if you would have acted like a son we wouldn't be in this perdicament. I already lost my mother once do you really think I want to see her slip away again?" As Kuro stomped away Vishu turned to himself and sighed. This would never get him anywhere.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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She felt so insulted as she heard the rude wolf speak about her as if she was just some prize, She wanted to serve this pack as a healer not just some random she-wolf! She whimpered, and felt bad about herself. Did everyone look at her like that? Kou? Zorr?...Vishu? He turned around and went deeper into the cave and pouted.


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This wolf seemed blind to his own insults. "I've never feared you, didn't I just make that clear?" He muttered under his breath, keeping a straight gaze. "If you loved her then you wouldn't be walking away so easily." He snapped back, his ears folding back as Vishu claimed that he never acted like a son. He was right, but then again, she had never acted like a mother toward him. He was abandoned and ignored by his mother, after all that, why did he care about Atra, afterall? He wanted to pound into the ground.

"Your letting her ****ing slip away as you ignore this situation. If the worse happens, you won't be there to see it, cause I'm not going to get your sorry ass." He growled, his shadows flaring out and wrapping around his burned body. His dark body held anger rising and his blue eyes shone brighter. "Get your priorities straight, this is why I ****ing hate Spring." He whipped his tail around and ducked inside the den. He went to lay a few feet in front of Atra, just silently watching her with angry eyes. He wasn't one to show tenderness, besides Atra was tough. No doubt his mother would pull through and beat him for disobeying her and engaging into the Sera-Ronoh war.



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He Growled and said "If it weren't for my "sorry ass" she would have ****ing died in Ronoh." It pissed him off how Vishu had tried giving Atra her space with her mate and now he was being called a bad wolf because of it. whatever Kuro wouldn't understand anyway. His skull was to thick and his pride to big to swollow. Vishu limped away with a snarled "Just go **** yourself Kuro."


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


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At Kuro's verbal explosion, Rai couldn't help but wince and pull his wings back from thier forward position. He had never heard his son talk like that... As the dark wolf lay near Atra, the white one took a few steps back, but then took many forward. He stood at the enterance of the den, wings flared and blocking the way, as if to shield the cave's occupants from further insults. 'Watch your tongue!'

It was a pity this boy had no father, or mother, but still. His mannors were as bad as Kuro's. 'Please apologize.' Later he would ask the same to his own flesh-and-blood, but that would have to wait until Atra was better and he was calmer.

-- Edited by Shomei on Monday 24th of October 2011 09:26:29 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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The dark wolf's eyes changed black with contempt as Vishu walked off, he knew that wolf was growing soft. His eyes turned sharply at Rai's direction, turning into the bright blue that was natural to him. He gave a snort as his father tried to order him around. He was seething and there was no way his language would be curved to the likes of his angry dark side. Kuro lowered his head and started to lick at some of his open wounds on his paws and legs, much like a cat. His helper was perched somewhere in the den, he could tell by the shutter of wings at random intervals. Kuro just wanted to get out, walk by his lonesome and do his brooding in silence.



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ooc: Er...He was talking to Vishu...sorry if I confused you...


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She felt weak, as she entered the cave. So many wounded, so little time. Kou let out a tired sigh as she coughed and gathered more herbs, looking around. Where had her apprentice gone? Kou let out a sigh, knowing she shouldn't have let her take Vishu back, surely spring had gotten the best of them.. Zorr wouldn't be too happy about this.

Turning, she looked for Tyson, who was supposed to be carrying Aeris. They must have fallen back and so she continued on to the commotion in the air and dark wolves den. Walking in, her eyes lit up like magic as she saw the painted sky. "Shinraisei.. this is beautiful.." She said, but soon had to stop looking up and looked to the ground as she felt faint.

The pups would be here any moment.. What a bad timing. Kou winced with pain but held it back as she needed to fufil her healer duties before her own problems came. Others always came first, she would never have it any other way.

Trembling, Kou picked up the herbs she didn't have in the forest. "These should help her internal wounds. Don't move them off of her for two hours," Kou said in a weak and quiet voice as she touched Atra in certain spots lightly, waiting for a reaction. With each pained reaction she would place a leaf on them, so only the internal wounds would be covered. Kou was panting the whole time, as her world became fuzzy.



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Tyson & Aeris

Tyson lowered himself down as he let the paralyzed body of Aeris gently hit the cool cave ground. "I need to find Kou, you need immediate assistance.." He whimpered, feeling bad as he hoped the female would be alright.

Aeris whimpered, watching Tyson run off. She felt helpess as she was only able to move her front half of her body. A sudden flash hit her mind as Apollos thoughts filled in. He was looking for her? 

'I'm in the cave at Sera. Where are you?' She send out a telepathic message towards the male, but then sighed. She had never had the ability to send out messages that far, especially with this problem. Maybe the electrical charge somehow helper her? She sighed. No, if anything, this nearly killed her.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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He nodded to Zorr and as they reached the pack lands the battered male limped towards his mate and nuzzled up to her. She didn't look good.. "Love, are you okay? And don't worry I talked to Zorr for us, he isn't angry." His tail lowered at her sickly apperance..why was she still sick??


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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((I know he was, Kuro was refering to the watch your tongue message, if that was directed toward him))


The alpha had returned back to Sera, he raised his head up high to scent in that familiar, homely aroma. He parted his lips to give a short returning howl, letting the pack know of their returns. Zorr watched as Eli left Zane's body before taking off, no doubt to check on his mate. Zorr nudged his nephew along before Zorr mustered his last strength left to drag Zane's body toward the center of the territory.

"You must be strong now, I'll allow you some time alone with your father for one last time. I must visit your Auntie to check on her. You be a good boy now," He said, wrapping his tail around the youngster in comfort before leaving Zumi alone with his father. Zorr slowly walked away, his den was nearby so he could keep Zane and Zumi in eye sight if need be.

Something caught Zorr's nose though, it was a rich aroma. A comforting one and there was the sound of Catorii's sweet voice along with squeals. Zorr lifted an eyebrow before standing in the doorway of his cave. His face turned into pure delight as he spotted his love curled around two small wolves. Pups. His pups. Their pups! His tail started to wag ferociously and the brightest smile played across his features. Zorr's eyes were bright and he forgot all about his pain in that moment. No doubt, Catorii would be horrified to see him with blood and gashes covering his body while standing on a tilt as he felt unsteady.



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Still trotting along, the ghost paused once the body was lowered, tail wagging slowly. But oh...In his excitement, he had almost forgotten about the boy. He probably wanted some alone time, how sad, the poor dear... Shrugging once, the ancient wolf merely dissipated.

Minutes later, he was seen all the way across the meadow trudging alone, pulling a large, light-colored wooden coffin behind him. But he was still humming. And had gotten to the third chorus of 'London Bridges' by the time he came across the body again. But he ignored it and continued on to the place where Zorr and Zane's parents were.

"Aha...Back again, I am, yes, yes. I know I was gone for long this time, and I do apologize. I was caught up, you see. Tee hee!" He cackled once as he neared the dual graves, bowing his head in respect toward the dead before allowing the coffin to lie still. "Now, which one shall your dead eldest son get? The left of the father? The right of the mother? Oh dear, oh dear. Well, today I shall dig two fine graves, and then Zane can take his pick, yes?"

Again starting in his ghastly humming, the Ghost wolf continued with his work, long badger-like claws making short work of the earth and before too long, two twin graves had been dug, one on each side of the parents.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zumi walked slowly with his uncle as he smelt Manu different and new scents. As Zorr set down his father in the middle of the pack Zumi frowned ad stared at him, with no words. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he lowered his head and took in the last bit of warmth from his Father. Zumi already had to experience this once with Mother Bianca, why'd he have to feel this pain again? Zumi whimpered. "I love you, Dad. Always."



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Catorii perked up her ears as she felt a prescence appear. "Zorr!! My love!" her tail wagged ferociously as she saw him, so happy that he was alive. "oh.. You look like a mess!" she frowned, wishing to run to his side and tackle him. "I'd like you to meet your two sons.." she looked down, her smile bigger than ever, they had a father, a true strong father.



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She popped out of her sadness and decided to go cuddle up with Vishu again. "Vishu, I think Kou is gonna be really busy with Eli and her pups.." She started to say. "So I wouldn't want to bother her in her den.." She said. "So what I'm trying to say is...maybe if I fix things up in here we could share this one?" She asked him beating around the bush about it.


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His eyes turned to her in his rage and said "Do what you want." He was mad that he wasn't allowed to care for someone without Kuros interference. And sleeping with her? Vishu had no plans on mating with her right now. He wasn't allowed to share the comfort of another wolf?


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She scooted away from him because wanted to give him his space. "Oh...Okay" He said in a small timid voice. She laid her head on her paws and just looked at the rain falling down before her.


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Seeing her light up, Zorr limped forward before falling down to lay besides his mate with his newborns in the middle of them. "Nothing that the healers won't be able to fix up later." He replied softly, licking her forehead slowly. He turned his attention down to the small ones, black and white. He had two sons, how grand! His genes would run strong with those two, they'd be quite the handful later in life; just as how Zorr and Zane were. He bent down to sniff at each one, nuzzling them in the process to remember their scent and cherish the moment. "I'm sorry I was unable to be here for their birth and help you." He frowned, bring his head up but keeping his eyes rested on them.

"Did you name them yet?" He asked wistfully. His tail wagged back and forth along the warm ground, "But, their handsome, little alphas that are lucky to have a mother like you." He responded suddenly, brushing his muzzle against Catorii's neck.

He'd explain the incidents about the war soon enough to his fellow alpha and bring the news of their adopted nephew.



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Kou winced at Elis touch as her stomach burned with contractions, but she was so happy to see him she didn't even care, "oh! Eli your alive!" she Nuzzled back. Kou sighed as he commented on her looking sick, "oh bother, I'm fine." she continued to lie. "Atras my priority," turning back to the female, she sat an waited for a reaction from her earlier treatment.



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He saw Kou in a den helping the injured dark wolf, and stood back. That wolf was in much worse shape than Aeris, and so he knew he needed to wait. He looked back to check on Aeris, who was lying at the edge of the cave, looking like she was searching for something - or someone.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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Shaking his head at his stupidity for staying in Ronoh for that long, Apollo came bounding back into the middle of the lands, panting from running so hard. He was not a runner; he was a fighter. His wound he got from Dezera had started to itch. 'I'm here.' He called back to Aeris, not exactly knowign where she was, and he didnt' feel like yelling.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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The older dark wolf barely stirred or woke up from the harsh shouting just within earshot nearby her. Atra groggily drifted back into the real-world, blinking her red eyes to try and stay awake. She felt something pressed down on her, causing her to let a gurgling moan. Her throat was killing her from being impaled and scratched up, it hurt to make any vocal sounds. Her chest hurt and it grew painful to breathe now, feeling a heaviness take over. Atra's wings shifted uncomfortably against the solid ground. "D-did w-w-we w-w-win the war?" She asked lastly, mustering any last strength in her.


Kuro stopped mid-lick to watch as Atra spoke, his eyes darting toward her. Shadows swirled around him, clinging to him. Something wasn't right, Atra wasn't holding onto the shadows except for the normal casting of the light and his own. Kuro snarled at all the other wolves, since there was too many wolves surrounding them. He looked at his mother, his gaze was still cold despite the happenings.

"Yes, mother, we did. You helped us win." He reassured her, lying through his teeth. It seemed no side had won for each was at a loss, but if it helped his mother feel that last bit of pride and purpose. He would grant that to her.

He turned his gaze over to Rai, no doubt his father would be hysterical soon since it seemed Atra was failing and dying before their eyes.



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As Vishu departed, Shinraisei retreated from his aggressive posture and retreated back into the den, feeling even weaker than he had been before. As he settled down a ways away from his wife and child, he shook his head towards Kou. She had doen enough for Atra, and needed to spend her time on herself now.

His posture stiffened as a sharp pain shot up his spine, and made him want to cry out, but there was no sound to be had. Carefully, his head tilted toward the dark shape beside him, and the sorrow he had felt for two years straight was comming back in full, and this time he didn't think he was going to survive the pain a second time. Beginning to tremble, the white wolf gently touched Atra, telling her that it would be alright.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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He growled and said "Kou get to your den. I'll get Nora.." The injured wolf looked at her and said "You aren't in any shape to be healing." He turned and saw Vishu's cave not to far away and saw Nora and said "Nora, can you cme watch Atra?" He turned and licked Kous face. His crushed right side was killing him, and wanted to go lay down.


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The dark wolf let a small murmur, cringing at the sudden rush of pain in her chest. She did her best to extend her head to brush her muzzle against Rai's, drinking in his scent one more time. She felt love for her mate, one of the very few that she grew close enough to. Atra tried to force a smile but wasn't able to. Her breath was shortening and her head dropped down once more, her eyes gently closing. She just needed sleep, that's all she needed. Atra knew her body would make it through. She was a warrior, through and through. Her helper buzzed inside, his wings weren't flapping as quickly as they normally would. The hummingbird perched in between her torn up wings, nestling up besides her rough fur, this was the closest he got to his master without being flicked off.


The dark wolf watched silently as all the commotion was going on, turning to look at his father. He didn't look too good, maybe Kuro just wasn't used to his withered, frail look. Kuro flattened his ears and beared his teeth as Eli spoke of retrieving Nora. Kuro didn't want that wolf near him.



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Rai tried his best to remain calm, although the pain had intensified. Every part of himself felt cold, as if he were connected body and soul with his mate. He shhed again in her ear to calm her, and tears came into his eyes again. He took a breath, and molded the wind and caressed it in his throat until it formed into hollow-sounding words. "Don't wait up for me." It was okay if she lost this battle, he just didn't want her to be in any more pain than she already was in. And so he pleaded with her to go on, promising that he would be there shortly, because he didn't want her to be alone.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Atra hadn't heard him for her body already shut down to conserve energy. However, it seemed her subconscious and soul seemed to hear him and heeded his plea. She took a deep inhale before letting out a soft sigh, letting herself go. Her body grew stiff and shadows leaked into the ground for a final time and peace over took her older body.

Atra's eyes flashed open, everything was bright and she had to blink a few times. She felt a terror grip her heart, expecting her nightmares to unfold in the underworld where she belonged. However, it was not the case and it was the opposite. "Rai?" She asked, turning around as she felt alone. Atra felt her vigor increase and her youth had been restored. She could hear the faint buzzing of Jace near her ears but she flickered that away. "Rai?" She asked, not persuing forward but staying still and circling around as if her soul wished for her to wait.



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The wolf could tell that his mate had finally passed on, and he let a few tears escape his sightless eyes. He could hear her voice inside his head, beckoning him home, but he couldn't go just yet. The soft swooshing of his helper and the sudden weight on his shoulder acknowledged that Toshiro was there as well, nestled weakly into his wolf's fur. The two white creatures seemed to be whispering something before the the snowwy owl gave a weak hoot and painstakinglly undid the leather cord that connected the two ends of the bracer together. Once it was off, the helper became limp. The invalid took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Shinraisei stood up to his full height, and stepped out of his body, leaving it behind. His once old and sickly image was now young and healthy again, with not a single scar on it, not even the terrible one that had corded on his throat, nor the gashes covering his eyes. His fourth wing was whole, and his angel-soft feathers were pristine. Slowly, slowly, as if savoring the moment, Rai opened his eyes, the ones that rivaled Kuro's and saw the world for the second time. He began to cry at the sight of his now grown son.

"How handsome you are," he whispered, a bit surprised at first to hear his own voice, but it was like his mother's, soft and musical. The brilliant blue-topaz ears had to blink rapidly to clear away the water. "I'm sorry for everything I've done, and everything that I haven't. I wish I could have seen you grow up." The ghost sniffled, tears streaming down his long white mane. "I'm sorry that I won't be here when you start your own family, Kuro, but I'll always be watching."

The deceased bent his neck and nudged the bracer towards the dark wolf. "I want you to have it. It's the last gift I can give you. It's served me for a long time, and I hope it will be your protection as you age." His eyes filled with tears again.

"Kuro, I know I haven't deserved any of your love, but will you please do three things for me?" Shinraisei paused, and took a breath. Then, in a very soft, gentle voice said, "One. Tell Zorr where your mother and I have gone. Two. Bury us together. Three. Don't forget to look skyward every once in a while."

-- Edited by Shomei on Thursday 27th of October 2011 09:44:12 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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The white wolf stood feeling a nervous sensation tear though his gut. He growled and bolted towards Atras den his shattered shoulder giving and making him fall in the mud but he got up and found himself looking at the dead body of one of the most beloved wolves he had ever seen. Vishus blue eyes were shocked as he looked from Rai to Atra his body failing to move. He backed up his Mind to stunned to make his mouth move. She was gone. He turned sharply as he hit a tree and ran into the wood one found himself on his side shivering as the rain poured on him. Fat tears rolled down his face as guilt, pain, and loss welled up in him. He faced the heavens his hating eyes daring it to kill anymore. He howled heartbrokenly and howled till he thought his lungs would burst. Vishu lay on the cold grass mud and rain matting his fur. He lost his will, in this moment not even Nora would solve things. He gave up and rolled his eyes to the sky and said "Mom, I have missed you, but don't worry I'm coming home." Vishu closed his eyes and felt his heart breaking for the second time and he felt heat in himself as his puncture wounds from being impaled became inflamed. He was getting an infection and he knew it but he wasn't going to let any of the healers see it. Vishu couldn't make himself go back so he lay in the wet grass shivering and crying.


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Kuro lowered his head in respect as Atra finally left them, it was strange to think that she was gone. At least she left the world just as she would've wanted to from fighting. Kuro gave a smug expression before lifting his eyes to look at Rai when the helper fluttered in. Kuro leaped to his paws, alarmed at what Rai was doing. He was taking that bracer off his neck, why? Kuro watched wide eyed and as Toshiro dropped with his wolf. Kuro jumped forward as if to catch him, but didn't reach there in time. "Father?!" He shouted, nudging the air wolf. What was happening?!

Kuro swung around, backing up against the cave wall in shock as he thought his mind was playing tricks on him. He gave a loud, unsure growl. There was an masculine angel in front of him, soon in realization that it was his father back to his body that was rightfully his.

He was still in utter shock, holding himself at bay in silence. He gave a docile, extremely slow shake of his head to take his father's apology. His blue eyes lowered down to his paws as he spotted the bracer that Rai was speaking about. Kuro dipped his head and shifted back and forth as he put it on. He felt almost invincible with it on, causing him to raise his head up high and a glint went in his eyes.

"I will try my best, father, I will make something of myself one day." He replied cooly, his shadows reaching out in different directions. There was no sadness in his eyes or words as he spoke to the ghost compared to the watery eyes of his father. He hesitated then realized he wouldn't have any other time to say it, "Thought you should know that I do love you and mother, tell her that for me." He said, biting back any bitterness he may have let slip on his tongue.


The spirit lifted her head up as she could feel him just drifiting between the world and other world. She dashed off and at his last words, Atra's fuzzy image appeared slowly but besides Vishu, curled up in a ball. She placed a wing across him, "Vishu...Vishu...I will always be here with you, watching." She whispered, almost like the wind around him. She brushed past him before racing off into thin air.

Atra's fuzzy appearence reppeared besides her mate now. She smiled, approving of his new look despite not used to it in such a magnificent form. She stood defiant with her head held up high in a regal look. "I've found you, love...It is time." She whispered, her voice remained sweetly rough. "It's absolutely beautiful." Atra had returned to retrieve him and bring him back into their next and final chapter in life.

-- Edited by Evildragon on Thursday 27th of October 2011 10:35:39 PM



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He began shaking at Atras form. She was young and healthy again. Her words made his tears fall harder. He had never wanted to die so bad in his life. He had lost everything, and now wanted to leave, He needed assistance though. Ask Kuro to kill him? No Zorr would be angry. Go back to Ronoh and fight..That sounded great.


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Kou fell to the ground in tears as the family began passing away before her eyes. Joy collapsed to the ground, unable to think, feel.. Move. The pups were coming, and she was passed out from exhaustion by the dead bodies besides her, herbs spread around her.



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He caught his mate and dragged her away and turned around and bellowed "Nora!" he looked down at her in panic and licked her face "Kou hunny, wake up love." this was way to dangerous.


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As Kuro put on his old worn bracer, Rai couldn't help but smile. "It suits you." And he looked so handsome with it on. He tried in vain to hold back the tears that overflowed onto his pelt as his son said the 'l' word. It made him feel whole again, and not like a failure he thought he was for three years. "I love you too, Kuro. And I will." The white ghost took a few steps and lowered his head, just brushing his immaculate fur with the dark reddish of the younger male's, before deciding to throw caution to the winds and pulled Kuro towards him in a hug.

Rai released him as Atra came into the picture, and he nodded towards her, almost sad to go. "Already, my love? But I have only just begun to see the world, and how beautiful it is..." His voice was full of longing, but his mate was right. It was time to go. The four white wings flared up, sending a cool breeze through the cave, but the figure remained stationary. "You live a good, long life, Kurosutora. May the darkness curl at your whim, and may the wind carry you to new heights."

And then, light as a feather, Shinraisei took off, easily cleaving the air and dissapearing over the territory that he had loved so much. Only his voice remained, carried upon the wind.

"Tirelessly they,
Shadow and Trust are waiting,
Until Black comes home."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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