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Roleplay #5

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((You know the drill, roleplay board started getting too large. Being started once more where Roleplay #4 left off ))


"M-Mou..." Naomi tried to make the words come out but it was too much for her. All she could do was tremble in place and attempt to speak, but nothing came out but rasps and winded breaths. No, not her son. He must've picked up his genes from his father. How could he do such a thing! Her daughter, almost in the same prediciment that she, herself, was in. Oh no, no, no. Naomi needed to talk to her daughter about this, and her mate. She needed his comfort at such a horrid news like this.

Naomi's head lowered to her chest and clamped her large eyes shut. She wanted to wish the alpha a thank you for protecting her daughter and arriving to the scene. But, there was no way she could speak right now.

At his command, the new-beta lifted her head up and gave a small nod. Finally finding her words, she spoke. "Yes, Kenpachi. I will try my hardest to change him, but I cannot promise anything." She replied sadly, her gaze never meeting up to his. "Thank you." She finally thanked, "For arriving there on time, I don't know how I could repay you for such an act."



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She stared coldly at Akemi, almost as cold as the breeze his shadows brought with him. Her tail swayed back and forth and Dezera had become good at reading him. Well, so she thought. She could see the annoyance in his eyes, but there was something else that she was unfamiliar with. Her ears pressed forward, straining to hear his words. Was that a...yes? She gave her head a tilt, ever so slightly to the side. She took a few steps forward before stopping, watching him turn around. She guessed he was going to storm off before he just sat there. Dezera watched silently for a few moments. She noticed her helper giving her a nod before slithering back in case she snapped at him once more.

Dezera slowly padded forward toward her closest friend. She nuzzled her way underneath his lowered muzzle with her neck before pressing her violet fur against his. "Akemi." She started slowly, "I-I'm sorry if I caused you pain earlier by seeing me with Kodi. I-I didn't know you had these feelings, I was just..." She sighed and brought her head away to avoid looking at him.



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Hidden by his mane, Kenpachi's ears angled backwards. Oh boy. If there was something that could have been done, he would have done it, anything to prevent Naomi from feeling this way. It pained him to see her so. "You don't have to thank me. I did what I could when I could, but I'm sorry it turned out this way."

Sighing heavily, the alpha sat back on his haunches, feeling quite sorry for hs new beta when something scurried up his pelt. He was about to snap at whatever it was, but eased up once he saw that it was his helper. Nameless helper. "What do you want?"

The white ferret hissed at him, and rose onto his hind legs. "Two of the little ones are in the forest, not yours, but other two. Other ones."

"Kali and Xena?"

"Those the ones." Kenpachi closed his eyes and growled. "Damn kids. Naomi, I'll be right back." The alpha rose and, with his daughter still on his back, bounded toward the forest, following the two pups' scents, the helper scampering off to who knows where.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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His shadows clustered close with discomfort as he felt Dezera approaching, worried upon her reaction. But, an apology? His eyes shifted down at her as he felt something different than his shadows against his muzzle; warmth.

It was, oddly nice, but Akemi didn't act like he liked it, and moved away with a slight cough. "It's fine." He said stiffly.

Dark eyes crept up the female legs until reaching her own, and he held her gaze for awhile, an uncertain look. He wanted to ask her why, why Kodi? Why she would do that to him, but, he convinced himself not to care, and he let out a sigh. "Dammit, look. Your my best friend. My girl. The only female besides my sister I can tolerate." He thought for a moment. "Scratch that. The ONLY female I can tolerate." He allowed a slight grin to appear on his features, but it wasn't long until his shadows wiped it away.

"According to Kodi though, I treat you like dirt. So, if thats how you feel, he's right over there, Mister good guy. Or, you can be my.. whatever, friend, girl- er.." He cleared his throat, not wanting to offer anything else with the thought of her leaving him as a friend all together on the line. He didn't know if he should believe her apology or not, but, he wanted too, so he did. 



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Ears tilting upwards as he heard his father's cry for help,Hibari sprang to his feet and rushed towards Kenpachi's call, but the eagle stopped him. "This is no job for you. I shall handle it, Hibari." there was something about her voice that made the young pup beleive her, and so he sat back and nodded. "Okay."

Raising her white head, the sea eagle rose into the sky, screaching out as she did so, and with a flap of her wings, was into the forest.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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The beta stood still, watching silently as the alpha charged off after the helper approuched. It was strange to see Kenpachi's helper, never seeing that critter around. Opal gave a small whine and nudged Naomi, trying in a fruitless effort to try and cheer her wolf up. Naomi seemed to have a string of bad luck these past few years. "Opal, help me find Aiden." She asked curtly, standing up. The ice wolf wasn't thinking too straight, so she needed the help of Opal. The little pine marten squeeked and bounded forward, giving off small growls for Naomi to follow.


The female let out a sigh before brushing off, away from him to stand in front of him. "Have you even hung around other females to say you can't tolerate them?" She asked, her voice was almost in a challenging tone. "Besides, what makes you say I'm your girl?" She asked with a scoff, tossing her head to the cold breeze. It caused her earing to clink together and she slowly turned her head back, trying to supress a smirk upon her features.

At the mention of Kodi, Dezera couldn't help but give a small howl of laughter. "Kodi, really? You feel inferior to him?" She wagged her tail back and forth, letting herself sit down and hit the ground with her paws in amusement. "Sometimes, Akemi, I swear."



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"Exactly. I can't even get near other females. It just doesn't work." He mused, rolling his eyes until looking back at Dezera. "Because." He really didn't have an explanation to why she was 'his girl'. It just fit. "Who elses' girl do you want to be?" He said, almost as a threat as he reached out and knocked her to the ground, playfully of course.

"Well, hey." He said, in a dry tone. "Who knows, you could like those giddy-sweet-talkin' males that pick you up, instead of knock you down." He looked at her, wanting to smile, to laugh and enjoy her company, but his shadows said otherwise as they pulled him back, begging him not to enjoy her company.



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She flickered her ears at him, her tail swiftly lashing about. She circled around him, "Well, I don't know. I could be any guy's girl if I so choose to." She teased, making her way around him. Dezera got knocked to the ground, she gave off a soft growl and allowed her eyes to narrow once more. She slowly arose back up onto her paws with her fur mildly bristling.

"Those that planned to be my slaves for the rest of my life, wishing for a family? No thanks, I'll pass." She chuckled darkly, "Then again, now that you mention it...I could use some wolves to come at my every call." She gave a toothy grin, a sinister look crossing her face. She pounced onto Akemi, in an attempt to knock him down to reciprocate.



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Tara. She woke up in a panic, she had a nightmare, she felt around in the dark cave and noticed Xena was missing. "Xena!....where are you!" She cried out. She then frantically ran out of the cave with her nose to the ground, maybe she was with Yami and Kali, she ran into Yami's cave and didn't see little Kali either. "Yami! where are the girls?!, She yelled with a panic~


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Breathing heavy as the helper and pup returned to Ronoh, Koyae gently set Karasu down and perched (read: collapsed) onto a branch, more exausted than she had ever been in her life: but then again, that was more drama than she had ever experianced at one time in her life. But despite her need for rest, her sensitive hearing coldn't help but pick up a panicked female voice. "Alpha..." She wheezed, trying to summon a stronger voice, but failed. "Alpha is after them."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Tara. "After them? What happened? Why are they gone?!" Tara asked in a panniced tone as she yelled questions at the perched bird. If Kenpachi didn't come back with her daughter soon she might have to seek help from Xena's father.


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Despite herself, Koyae could feel herself beginning to fade. Her head kept drooping as she muttered. "After them. Thief. Eagle." Other than those four words, she didn't have the power to explain much more, and so passed out.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Eagle?....Theif? She then knew what the bird was talking about, "Yami wake up!, Kanji has our girls!" She shouted at the other mother. "Xena and Kali have been kid napped!" She screamed histarically.


He awoke from all the screaming he heard and went over to Yami's den to see what happened, "The girls have been kid napped?...I will help look for them!" He said in a frantic voice, he couldn't think about poor Xena and Kali, lost, cold and alone with some kidnapper.


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Yami was in a panic. "K-kanji?" she couldn't believe it. "are you sure?!?" please.. Anyone but him... She whimpered, tears rolling down her eyes. " this can't be happening.." she cried, running past the wolves and towards the forest, panicking and running around the pack, screaming Kalis name. Akemi was grinning at Dezera as he was knocked to the ground, but before he could respond, Yamis upset voice rang through his ears. "what the he'll?"he stare at Dezera, a questioning look on his face, "do you know what's going on?"



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"I don't know any other eagle who would kid nap our girls!" She shouted as she followed after Yami, panicing. She had an idea though, "Yami, Stay here and have some of the boys look for him, I'll go inform Xena's father incase he could be any help at all, I know the risk but I frankly don't give a damn, I just want my daughter back!" She screamed as she started to run towards Inferno, she ran passed her brother, "Xena has been kidnapped by Kanji along with Kali, go help Yami find them!" She yelled as she continued to run.

Kodi and Tarin

Both Kodi and Tarin ran over to Yami, "Yami, Are you okay?...don't worry we will help find the pups." Kodi said. "Yes, I will help too, we are all family and we should work hard to find them." Tarin added. "We have your back a hundred percent." Kodi said.


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Akemis eyes widened at the sound of Kalis napping. "you've got to be kidding me." as Tara left the pack, Akemi looked around. No way in he'll was he getting in trouble for leaving Ronoh without permission, but dammit, that was his niece! He ran to Yamis side, growling at Kodis prescence but ignoring him. "Yami. Please stay in Ronoh. Kenpachi won't be happy and I'd prefer us not get kicked out of our home. Let the ones who have left handle it for now. Come with me." Akemi said, flicking his tail at her to guide her away, mostly because Kpdi was around. Yami was so upset, she couldn't believe Tara went back to the father, she could get killed! Yami whimpered and nodded, tossing an upset look to Kodi and Tain, before following her brother and collapsing into his side with tears. Akemi hated to do it, but he tried to help. "Hey, hey. Come on now.. Kalis probably fine.. Kenpachi won't come home empty handed, you know that.. Think.. Ugh, think positive." he said, her sniffles were giving him a headache. Yami nodded but still didn't believe it. "my baby's out there, with a rapist. How could she be okay?" she sobbed, knowing there was nothing she could do..



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She could feel the edge of her mouth start to curve when that instantly snapped out of it and she stood up at the sound of some commotion. Her own gaze was of confusion and she gave a stupiditly glare to Akemi. Yes, of course she knew what was going on when she was out here by herself. Dezera groaned and stood still, watching Akemi walk off before Dezera took his lead and followed after him.

When they both seemed to arrive at Yami's side, Dezera noticed Kodi and Tarin almost as in a tizzy as Yami was, and Yami was the mother. Dezera held in a chuckle of amusment, keeping a straight poker face to show that she wasn't cold-hearted. Dezera remained silent, watching as Akemi and Yami went off. No doubt Akemi went to calm his sister down.

"Good luck." She beckoned to Kodi, hearing about how he'd run off to find them. Dezera let her tail swish across Kodi's muzzle, giving him a small nip on his flank before running off to try and catch up to Akemi and Yami.

Finally catching up with Yami, she could hear that wolf's sobs from lengths away. Dezera took her distance away from her friends and sat down neatly. "There is nothing to worry about. Settle down. It's Kanji. He's always had a soft spot for pups, they are just fine. I know that wolf well enough to tell you this, besides, I'm sure he doesn't even know that one of them is his." She barked bluntly, knowing how sensitive Yami was. It would probably make her cry, but Dezera wasn't going to hold back. "I'd be more worried about Kenpachi, he'll just make it a bigger mess and with his presence, it'll endanger the pups as Kanji has a distain toward the alpha. So, your pups will probably be emotionally scarred from watching those two adults fight."



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Karasu & Kestral

Wow! what a rush! Karasu barked and hopped around, "And Dad was all like, GIMMIE DEM PUPS BACK!" And He was all.. "IN YO DREAMMMSSS PUNK! And Daddy was all, YAH, YEAH! Pow! Boom! Bam!"

"Oh! Cool! and then what?!" Kestral asked, wide eyes as he listened to his sisters story,

"And then.. well.. The other wolf turned into this weird flying bird thing, and well.. I don't know, where he went but.. WE RAN SO AST TRYING TO CATCH HIM! I HAD TO HOLD ON TIGHT, DADDY ALMOST LOST ME!" She giggled.

"Woaaaahhh..." Kestral looked up to the sky as if trying to find the said bird-thing, but with no luck, his eyes trailed back to the story-teller.

"Yeah, but it got too dangerous for me, so, here I am!" Karasu bragged, so happy she got to experience the drama, while her siblings had to stay in the boring old pack. "I wanna go back and help him!"


"Ahem." Lupita growled, the commotion had brought her attention and she was peering over Tarin and Kodi now, eyes pinned on Yami but as Akemi stepped in and took her away, she figured all would have settled.

"No one is leaving. Period." She glared at the boys. "As for your sister, she's as good as gone when she returns. I'm tired of you dammed wolves leaving without permission, and seeing as though NONE of you can abide to it, none of you can leave for quite some time, unless you'd like to never return." She spat, electricity zapping off of her coat from annoyance.

"I've got my eyes on you. Kenpachi is handling the situation, we don't need you idiots making it worse." She growled, turning to sniff in the direction Tara went off in. "Where the hell did she go? She didn't even leave in the direction her pups smell." She turned to Tarin, waiting for a reply as her tail whipped back and fourth from frustation.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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The day had seem to fly by, and the male was rather tired when he stood to stretch. He seemed to have miss, quite a lot. Looking around, Orion made his way towards the booming voice of Lupita. "What'd I miss?" He said in a soft voice towards Yachiru, since she was the closest to him. He didn't dare step forward and anger his Alpha more, and so he sat down, listening in quietly.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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"Eh?" The pink wolf swung her head around to meet Orion's. To be honest, she didnt' quite know what was going on herself. "Kenny just was talking to Snowwy, and then he ran off. I'm not sure where he went." But...He had gone off without her... But she wasn't about to go out and look for him. No causing trouble for her, that's for sure. And if Sparky told her no, then the answer was no."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Tarin. He gave Dezera a confused look then snapped out of it once Lupita came, damn Tara was in trouble, "She's probably telling Xena's father about Kanji incase he comes across him, alpha please if my sister is kicked out so will Xena, I personally will make sure my sister stays in her place please..." He pleeded, worrying about his nieces up bringing if Tara gets kicked out.


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Kodi. Dezera's nip sent shivers down his spine, and he nearly collapsed. Then his ears flattened when Lupita came, he nodded and told her he was staying, then looked back in the direction Dezera went, trying not to drool.


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Akemi & Yami

A slight sigh of relief when Dezera approached, glad a girl was there, since Akemi didn't have much to say and Dezera had made some sort of a better effort than Akemi ever would have. He gave her a quick nod, as a thanks.

Through horrendous amounts of tears and whimpering, Yami found the ability to quiet down and listen to the voice behind her. She was so upset, she couldn't quite make out who it was, but they had a point. "W-why did Kenpachi have to go, I-I could have brought her back," Yami whimpered, she didn't want her little Kali to view such obscene fighting. "A-Akemi, please, go.. go bring her home."

Akemi's ears lowered, feeling bad about not being able to leave Ronoh. "If I could, I would." He hated to say it, but no matter how annoying little ol' Kali was, he knew where she needed to be, and out with her father, was not the place.

"Time will tell, Yami. Just relax."

"How am I supposed to relax?"

"I don't know. Just do it."



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Kodi. His stomache began to growl, he couldn't remeber the last time he had eaten. He wasn't able to catch anything but small rabbits and other rodents for days. "Lupita, I know there is a lot going on right now but there is barely any food in Ronoh right now, may I round up a few of the hunters so we can go find bigger prey elsewhere? I think we should really stock up for winter." He explained concearned for his packs health especially since there were so many little ones around.


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She glared at Tarin. "Inferno? What the hell." She snarled in frustration. "Oh no, she's not leaving Ronoh for a long dammed time when she gets back," Lupita said, "She's going to be in a lot of trouble." Kenpachi would have a **** fit, too. What was up with these wolves leaving without permission? A pack meeting would need to settle this. She hated how unworthy these wolves were. It was REDICULOUS.

"Excuse me?" She turned to Kodi, now was not the time to ask about something like that. "Leave the pack? Is that what your asking? I don't think so." She glared at him. "As far as I'm concerned, I think Aiden, and Orion need to go out and hunt. Yachiru could go too, or Naomi, but besides that, NO one else may leave Ronoh, period. Did you not listen to what I just said?" In frustration, Lupita aimed a beam of lightning towards the ice wolf, not caring if she zapped him or not. "Orion, get the hell over here." She growled.


His ears flattened at Lupita's call, and he looked at Yachiru for a moment, before approaching. "Y-Yes ma'am?" He asked, actually quite scared.


"You are extremely loyal to Ronoh, I need you to go out and hunt even though your a healer. We need you, bring either Yachiru, Aiden, Naomi, or all of them along. Everyone else is ordered to stay in Ronoh, and if I catch anyone else with you, they're going to have to deal with me. You hear?"


"Y-Yes ma'am." Orion whimpered, turning and running back to Yachiru's side. "So, I guess even though we aren't hunters, we have to go and hunt. Would you like to come? I need Aiden and Naomi to join, too." His ears were flat. Where in the world would they go? There was practically no food, anywhere! 


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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"Thank you Alpha..." Tarin said with a dip of his head. He then realized the alpha was busy and dismissed himself. He decided to go try to comfort Yami, they could use each other for comfort since they were both in pain about the lost pups and felt helpless. he padded over to where the group was, "Yami, may I talk to you?" Tarin asked with sad eyes, he also wanted to know what was going on with the Kodi situation.


He flattened his ears, "Yes alpha my apologies." He said as he left and continued to sulk in his cave, he needed some time alone and take breather, this was so much all at once.


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Akemi & Yami

Akemi looked over to see Tarin, what the hell did he want? "She's listening." Akemi said, standing protectively over his upset sister. "Go ahead," He growled, as if a warning to stay away from his sister. He never liked men around her.

Yamis ears perked up at the sound of her name, but her vision was filled with tears, preventing her to see who was speaking. "W-what?" She whimpered, eyes looking in Tarin's direction, with a blank and sad expression.



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He raised an eyebrow at Akemi as if to say 'Really dude?', he was not impressed by his wannabe tough guy attitude. He then ignored his little remark and turned towards Yami, "I just wanted to say that, I know what your'e going through right now, Xena is like my daughter as well, and if you need anyone to talk to, that understands I am here." He explained with sad eyes. By the looks of it, these kids were just upsetting her more, so he thought he'd put that out there.


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Figuring out that Tarin was there, Yami blinked her tears away, and nodded. Deep down she was still upset about the Kodi thing, and she knew Tarin was the one who suggested she talk to him, which made her mad. Tears flowed down her eyes again and once again she dug herself into her brothers warmth. "thanks," she mumbled through Akemis shadows. As much as Akemi hated this up close and personal experience with his sister, he couldn't help but shiver at the power surge going through him, knowing that when the darkness and light combined, they both became powerful. He didn't say another word to Tarin, not wasting his breath. Akemi turned to look over at Dezera, the power in his eyes seemed to glow, and it was obvious he was ready to run out and kill Kanji, pissed that he couldn't do much more than cope with his still crying sister. He growled in frustration until a nudge from his sister quieted him down.



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She wandered behind the pack trying to listen to what some of the wolves were saying. She found them after stumbling upon one of their sound waves and followed it. She fantasized about meeting a wonderful wolf to finally call a true friend, besides Cara who is not a wolf. Then she remembered all the horrible wolves she had  grown up with and wondered what kind of wolves were in this pack. she was tempted to turn away and forget she ever found this pack becuase she was scared but the temptation of having another friend was just too strong.So she howled hoping to get the attention of one of the other wolves.

-- Edited by timebomb on Sunday 1st of January 2012 09:48:03 PM




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His ears perked up when he heard an unfamiliar howl, it sounded feminine and non-threatening, he knew the alphas were busy so he thought he'd go check it out, then take whoever it was to one of the alphas that was available. He followed the sound of the howl and this brought him to an interesting looking female, she had striking markings. "Oh Hello...Who are you?" He asked in a soft voice.


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She didnt know what to do. She had always been a little socially awkward. "Um, I'm Keera." She sat there trying to compare the voice she had just heard to a voice she had heard earlier. Then she realized that she should probably say something else because he was still staring at her kinda funny. " I was just uh wandering around and found a sound wave that sounded intriging. I'm not here to hurt anyone, but um i was just wondering,uh who are you?"




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He chuckled at her awkwardness, it was kind of cute," I'm Kodi, a hunter of Ronoh...were you looking to join?" He asked as he tilted his head to one side and sat down so she would know he was not a threat so she wouldn't be scared away.


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He saw his mate and her helper approching and felt the warmth of his helper press agianst his leg. "It is good to have you next to me.." He smiled at the otter, He had seemed to want to be on his own lately. He was prepared to greet Naomi with smiled but stopped as he saw her expression. His eyhebrows knitted together as he embraced her "What's wrong, love?" His blue tail swished though the air uneasily.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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She was excited that he asked her to join and was relieved that he was so nice. "Um uh sure. Its nice to meet you." She started to relax and hoped the rest of pack would be this nice. Then she remembered that he said he was a hunter and began to worry about meeting the alpha.




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"Well the alphas are always looking for hunters in warriors...or an extra healer is always good, what skills do you have?"He asked to see if she was worth the alpha's time. He then gave her a slight smile.


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"Well um," she sat and thought for a moment, "I'm can hear things from miles and miles away and I am pretty good at imitating sounds. I usually do that when I hunt to attract birds so I guess I could be a hunter." She smiled back at him stared wondering if he would be her friend and what the future would have in store for her. She was scared but also excited.

-- Edited by timebomb on Sunday 1st of January 2012 11:09:53 PM




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"Oh wow, your'e a sonic wolf right?" He asked with a smile, "Well that's neat, see we've been having a food shortage and the winter months are coming up and it might a hard winter for us, your sensitive ears can tell us how far away prey would be." He told her as he wagged his tail, excited for a potentially new member.

-- Edited by KammiWehrwulf on Sunday 1st of January 2012 11:19:52 PM


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"Yeah I am. I hope I can help with the food shortage." She was glad that Kodi was a hunter too. He seems really nice and she really wanted to get to know him better but was really nervous about meeting the alpha. She hoped that she wouldn't be too awkward and that he would let her in. It would completely kill all the new confidance that she worked up if she got turned down.




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"Well our alpha's might be busy, but I'll see if one is available, if you want to follow me?" He asked her as he got up and turned around and started to pad into the heart of Ronoh, looking back to see if she was following.


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She got up when he did but did not start to run at the same time. She was trying to muster up the courage but was thinking what would happen if the alpha didnt like her. Cara, her loyal helper, was watching from a near by tree but when she saw that Keera wasn't moving she swooped past her and yelled, "GO!" That was the only push Keera needed and she started running to catch up hoping she wouldnt regret it.

-- Edited by timebomb on Sunday 1st of January 2012 11:46:25 PM




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He walked side by side to her, "These are tough times here in this pack right now, so a helpful member is always in need." He said as he looked at her with a smile to try to comfort her, he could sense she was nervous. They were then approaching to where Lupita was. "Wait here, I'll go get her." He said with a nod.


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She stood trying to calm down as much as possible. She knew that when she was nervous she had a tendencie to look mad and that is the last thing she wanted the alpha to think about her. She tried to think about Kodi and what it would be like to be in a pack, what it would be like to be part of something. She had been alone after she left her siblings and was for a while happy but then got very lonely.

-- Edited by timebomb on Monday 2nd of January 2012 12:08:24 AM




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Your really getting the hang of this :D



He approached Lupita, He cleared his throat, "Um Excuse me Lupita, after your done speaking with Orion, will you come talk to Keera, I think she might be a good aspect to our pack." He said as respectfully as he could, he then gave her, her space and walked back to where Keera was, "She's a little busy right now but she'll get to you as soon as she's done I'm sure." He said as he sat down beside her.


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Opal seemed to have lead her in the right direction for she spotted Aiden just up ahead. The small helper gave a yip before scuttling behind Naomi, giving her a nudge forward to keep her going. Naomi flickered her fluffy, white tail across her helper in a thank you before quickening her pace to meet up with Aiden. She tried to force a grin, but the weight was too much for her. She dug her head into her mate's neck and gave a soft sigh. "Oh, Aiden, I don't know what to do." She mumbled into his blue fur.

"I've recieved horrible news of our children. The alpha, Kenpachi, arrived on the scene of Grimmjow readying himself to mount Dezera and without the alpha's defense, we both fear that our son was going to..." She explained, quite quickly as it was quite the story and it felt better getting it out the sooner the better than beating around the bush. However, the next part pained her to say and she pulled away to look up with sad eyes to her mate.

"What happened to me, almost happened to Dezera." She put softly, not really liking the words for it brought painful memories and thoughts. "So, Grimmjow has been exiled from the pack, but I'm allowed to go out of the territory to try and change him." She replied, her muzzle pointed at the ground and the flooding of tears started. "All I can hope is that he'll change and never do such a thing again."



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"Thanks," she replied hoping he could't hear the nevousness in her voice. She tried to clear her mind, but it didnt work so she decided to do something new, talk about it. "So um do you really think I'll be let into the pack? What do you think is gonna happen? What do I say? What do I do?" She realized she was asking too many questions and probably sounding weak so she shut up. "Ugh thats the last time I try and talk about anything," she thought to herself.




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"Your'e very welcome..." He said giving Yami a bow of his head, he then turned to Dezera who was also standing there, "You see where Kodi went?" He asked with a smirk figuring it'd piss Akemi off. He wanted to get the 411 scoop of all the drama and couldn't find his friend.


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"Yeah sure.." He said with a chuckle, "They let me into the pack and I'm kind of a knuckle head." He said trying to make her feel better. "Just do what they say, you don't need to say to much, just be respectful and you'll be fine." He explained. "So where are you from?" He changed the subject.


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"Thanks for the advice," she said back with a slight smile to show that he was helping. She contemplated what to say tyring to figure out how to not sound so nervous. She heard Cara say " If you don't want to talk about it just as him a question," from a distant tree just loud enough so that only she could hear it. "I've just been wandering for a while. Uh um..." she started but she couldnt think of what to ask because she heard the alpha start to finish her conversation and began to get nervous all over again.




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He knew what she meant, he had been alone for a long time before he got to Ronoh, "Ah, that's how I was before I found pack life." He said to her. "Well I hope Ronoh can be your new home, it can be lovely here in the spring and summer months, even now in fall its kind of pretty with all the different colors of the leaves." He said as he looked around at the trees, it was getting colder now, he loved the colder months.


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