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Roleplay #6

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((Refer to the last roleplay page, #5, for replies. Board started getting too large...))


"At the current moment, you do not have any tasks. You may help around the pack and I will watch to see which position would be best for your abilities. You may go amongst the others and mingle, get to know your pack members better." Zorr explained, shifting his head over to the ground that was around the soon-to-be feast.

He quickly turned back to Tyson to address him and continue their discussion. "If it happened during the fight to bring this creature down for us, than that is perfectly acceptable. Thank you for your efforts and going into the mountains." He gave a greatful dip of his head in respect. "It would be wise to go get Nora, Artemis needs to be healed up..." He replied, turning to look at the head hunter. He shook his head, "Nevermind, it seems Nora has arrived." Watching the rushed healer arrive and start to mend the water wolf.



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Leonardo stared up with his big bright eyes, listening to her speak. "Ooooh. Okay!" he said, before standing, stretching, and then reenacting his previous fall, adding more gross sound effects and holding his throat this time like he was choking, "It's too late.. To late for me.." and then.. He collapsed. Zumi chuckled dryly at this, his stomach distracting himself from the group as he looked around, checking over his shoulder to make sure his mother was still guiding him. He always smiled when he saw her in that star form, but his ears perked up as a trance was broken from Nora speaking. "Thank you Misses Nora," he nodded to her, "Your getting older quickly too!" he smiled, even though he really didn't see much of an age change in her, he still felt like if he was growing up, well, so was she! He smiled happily as he turned to direct his attention to Zorr. "Uncle Zorr, I'm hungry." he said softly, tryin not to be annoying but.. He was starving.



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The brother of Leonardo couldn't help but giggle the entire time that Leo had put on the act. "Artemis, Artemis, Artemis." He chanted, barking and giving off soft howls. He jumped ontop of his brother's smaller size, "Yeah, he's Leo! I'm Mercutio!" He introduced, before gnawing on his brother's ear for it looked quite tempting at that moment in time.



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The alpha turned his attention to his nephew that was calling out to him. "Yes, we shouldn't let this food go to waste. Catorii, would you mind starting the feast and getting some food for the pups." He asked his mate, not wanting to prolong the meal by talking business. He was sure that everyone around him was waiting eagerly for that taste of meat to fill their stomach up once more. His tail swayed back and forth. He knew himself that he couldn't wait for the food.



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"Where I came from?" He asked, rather quickly than expect. He gave a sheepish grin as if suddenly shy. Lux didn't enjoy speaking about his childhood or the orgin of himself. It was rather touchy for the light wolf, and his helper Blitz knew about that. The small squirrel slowly climbed up ontop of Lux to nestle inbetween his fluffy wings. "Yeah, Luxxy, tell us about you're first pack before you left it. I'm sure they'd be interested in that, maybe?" He encouraged casually, knowing it wasn't his start of his life but it was a start. Besides, he did come from that pack well before traveling as a loner once more.

The light wolf cleared his throat as if to prepare to start the story, when suddenly Nora dashed off in a hurry. He was shocked but noticed she was carrying her herbs when she left. Maybe it was to store them before she forgot or see to a sickly wolf. Lux didn't know and his train of thought was a little distorted again.

"Healers job is never done." He chuckled at Anar's statement. "Yes, it is rather warm and comfortable in this den without the harsh winds creeping in. It does well to keep the snow out of here as well. Nicely built, if I say so myself." He gave himself a nod of his head before laughing. "I'm terribly sorry, I seem to have forgotten. With Nora dashing off, what was I going to start speaking of?"



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"Oh, really? Well, Mercutio is a lovely name as well." Oh, these two were so adorable...It almost made her heart burn. "But you two had better go eat, and leave this old lady alone, hmm?" Artemis offered the two an almost motherly smile before resting her head on her paws.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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"Okay Artemis sit still..." she said in nice tone as she received the green goop from Sydney. She then gently put the pulp on Artemis's back. She then pulled out a Comfrey flower and sprinkled the seeds onto the Aloe mush. "Okay now let that dry and it will help clean the wound and speed up the healing process." She said with a smile.


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Catorii smiled at Zorr and nodded, her tail swiping gently across his nose as she dismissed herself from the new wolf and her mate. Approaching the larger bear, Catorii reached out, gutting into the bear as she pulled out whatever she could, picking up two heaps and bringing them to Leonardo and Mercutios side, placing each individual pile of meat infront of them. "Eat up, boys." she smiled, looking over at Nora cleaning up Artemis. "You hunters did a wonderful job with the hunt, Artemis." she complimented, "I am very impressed," she gave her a sincere smile before turning away, and before she left she pat Leo and Mercutio on the head, "Don't forget to thank miss Artemis for this meal," she said to them, and looked up at Zumi, "Help yourself."



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Zumi nodded as his Aunt told him to eat, he flicked his tail which bounced his star, sprinkleing star dust around as he made his way towards the bear. He was starving, and took a nice portion of Bear rump for himself, which he ripped at until it completely detached from the bear, carrying the meat and some fur towards a nice sunny spot, looking for warmth from the snow. He then heard Leonardos voice, "Thanks miss Artemis. Mama! Can ya cook it? I wuv it like dat!" Leonardo said, waiting patiently as his mother adhered to the question and began to cook her sons meat.



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He nodded to the Alpha, seeing Nora attending to Artemis. He silently thanked her, but made no movement until Zorr had finished speaking. "I will go ahead and get my fill then," He said, bowing in respect to the Alpha before heading towards the kill. Oh, he was so happy that it had prevailed. He felt like a leader for arranging the whole thing, and without Artemis's head hunting skills, he didn't know how they would have ever killed the thing. The whole thing was wonderful.

Digging into that bear was the best feeling he had had in a long time, as he was already shivering from starvation the quiver in his heart was excitement as he ripped off pieces of the bear, not bothering to find a spot, just going ahead and digging in. 

Once he had eaten a well amount, he was surprised that the bear was still in-tact, because of it's large size. He turned to see Artemis in pretty bad shape, and although Nora was fixing her up.. it didn't look comfortable. So, he grabbed the bear by the leg, and ripped off what was left of the back leg and rump, dragging the limb to Artemis's side. "A token for a job well done." He chuckled, placing it infront of her before he smiled and backed away. "Couldn't have done it without you," He said, in gratitude before turning to find his leave, he was feeling very tired.. it had been a long day, and he needed some rest.

Careful not to step on puppies or others, he made his way to a warm spot under the sun, and dug the snow out of the way. The grass beneath was still cool, but it was nicer than laying on icey snow. Basking in the sun, Tyson fell asleep, finally at peace with his hunger.


She giggled as Apollo continued to freak out. At the mention of them not being that close, her ears lowered. "Well, we could be if you'd man up already." She glared at him for a moment, but then a joking smile crossed her face and she lept at him, knocking him to the ground. "Silly, silly Apollo. Bugsy likes bugs. If you have a bug in your nose, or something that looks like one he's gunna steal it. Simple as that." She giggled, flicking her tail around.  Bugsy lifted his head up at his name, and with wide eyes he nodded happily, 

"Now, everyone else is eating, so quit munching on grass and let's get some BEAR!" She shouted with excitement, so happy that their hunt was a success. 


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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He glanced at his brother, and shrugged with a mouth full of nicely cooked meat. "Uhh, Mmm- I dunno. Momma eats it like that, shouldn't I too?" He said, just copying what Mom did. But, Mercutio ate it plain.. Leonardo looked down at his meal, then over to his father. Oh! "Daddy eats it like that too." Leonardo explained, grinning and reaching down to engorge in his meal, knowing it was right since his parents did it too.


She smiled at the company of Zorr, and quietly cooked her own meal, letting it simmer over the crackles of her heat. Once it was similar to a juicy steak, she reached down to eat, trying to hold her back from swallowing the meal whole since she was starving, but she knew better because of the fact of stomach aches from eating too fast. "So.. So good," She said quietly, giving a smile to Zorr.

Once her stomach was satisfied, she let out a content sigh and leaned over to rest on Zorr's shouldar, enjoying the closeness they had despite the time they've spent apart.


He departed for a moment to fetch some food, returning to his cousins side to eat his own meal. Glancing at the spoiled Leonardo, he sighed. "So, what are you gunna do when your parents aren't around anymore to cook that food?" He asked, with a grin on his face. Zumi, understood how to survive without his parents now, which made him feel superior. He liked the feeling, but stopped grinning when the upset look on Leonardo's face became apparent. "Sorry.." He mumbled.

-- Edited by Munsteh on Thursday 26th of January 2012 06:29:03 PM



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He gave a slow nod as Tyson went off to recieve his fill before going over to Nora and Artemis. He nodded his head before swiping a tongue around his lips. He approuched the bear, taking a rationed portion as he would rather allow his pack mates to consume more of the kill than himself. Zorr took it over to his mate and sat down besides her and near his pups. He slowly started to roast his meat, snapping lightly as small flickers of flames crackled near his nose. Thor waited besides Zorr, waiting to steal bits and peices of his wolf's food. Normally, he'd just go hunt a mouse but this was always an easier method, despite his hate for acting like a scavanger.


As the meat was placed in front of him, Mercutio did a small dance in place and leaped off of Leo to his food. He sniffed it and his stomach grumbled as he relaized how long it had been without food. Mercutio pawed at it before giving small chews at the meat. He looked over at Leo in disgust, "How can ya eat it burned?" He asked, enjoying the fresh juices just as it was. The softness, rather than the tough texture. "Thank youuu." He howled to Artemis before engorging himself with the fresh meat.



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"Oh yes, We should probably go eat" She said with one last nod to Artemis, she then made her way over to the bear carcass, there was still plenty of meat left. She tore herself off a small amount and took it over by Tyson and ate it happily, oh it felt so good to have food in her stomach. She noticed a strange wolf she had never seen before, he looked odd as he just sat there watching everyone eat.


He just stood there shy, not wanting to eat till everyone in the pack ate first since he was of least importance. He read Nora's mind and flattened his ears. 'Ugh, why do I have to be so awkward?' he asked himself. He then suddenly felt that strange feeling again in his head, he noticed a purple wolf, and he couldn't read her mind, it seems like the psych waves were coming from her as well.


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Anar felt himself flush a little at the compliment that Lux paid him about his house. He packed the last set of herbs into the alcoves that the inner walls of his treehouse provided, when Anar started to sniff the faint smell of cooking meat. His stomach rumbled and he remembered that he had not actually eaten for a fair amount of time. Focusing back on Lux, Anar spoke "I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation, but I can smell meat, shall we go see where that smell is coming from? Whilst we go, maybe you can walk and talk and tell us about your first pack, if you would like" Anar had noticed a slight unease pass through Lux earlier on this topic, and decided to let Lux open up when he was ready.
Anar spoke quickly to Kayla in their private dialect, and she fluttered from her corner onto his shoulder, the two of them prepared to head out, only waiting on Lux and his little follower.


..."Only in death, does duty end"...

Anar: Earth | Sera Forest | Helper: Kayla

Varl: Electricity | Phoenix Forest | Helper: Mkoll

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His ears just merely flickered to the sound of his boys talking followed by Zumi's voice. He started to feast in his meal, taking in the tender meat and feeling the energy it was supplying him once more. His stomach bathed in the feeling. He nodded his head at Catorii's comment, allowing her to rest her head on him. He licked her between her ears. "It's good to have you besides me again, we've been pretty busy between the pack and the pups." He mused quietly, taking in the moment again.


"Dats gross though." Mercutio wrinkled up his nose at the thought, his bright red eyes squishing up together. He turned his head to look at his parents, both had their meal set on fire. Mercutio shuddered and looked at Leo. "Well, you're wrong!" He proclaimed quickly, thinking his way was the right way. He felt his tail wag quickly as Zumi seemed to agree with him. "See, see, see!" He shouted, giving Leo a push. "Zumi even says you're wrong."



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"Ah, yes. Let us see to it." Lux announced rather quickly, slowly rising up on his paws. He arched his back and stretched out his wings to get rid of any stiffness of being in one place too long. After his bones gave mild cracks, Lux strode over to Anar. "It's been a hard winter, it seems. I'm hoping the pack did well on their hunt." He put simply, wagging his tail back and forth. Blitz hung onto his wings as he normally did to prevent falling. Such a fall now, would probably be detrimental to the aging squirrel and he couldn't walk too far in fear of being a predator's next lunch.

"Ah, yes, my first pack was a lovely one at that. It was run fairly and I hold no complaint toward them. I was their prized healer once, many years ago. The only issue I held with it was the arrangement of mates..." He started casually, striding out toward the meal on where he believed it was located. "Is it this way?" He inturrupted, shortly to see if it was the right direction.



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She noticed Lux and Anar coming toward the rest of the group and gave them a wave of her paw. She then turned to Tyson, "Tyson, I really appreciate everything you have done for me, you are a wonderful friend." She said with a smile. Sydney crawled out of Nora's fur and ate the scraps from Nora's meal.


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"They are over there Lux" Anar commented, noticing Nora signalling with her paw in the distance, "we were on the right track". The smell of meat was getting stronger, and Anar's hunger returned. Anar returned to the topic at hand, "That pack sounds like it had everything sorted out pretty well for you with the exception of mates I guess. Do you enjoy the loner life more now?" Anar steered himself towards the other wolves, whilst listening to Lux.


..."Only in death, does duty end"...

Anar: Earth | Sera Forest | Helper: Kayla

Varl: Electricity | Phoenix Forest | Helper: Mkoll

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Catorii let out a giggle at his soft voice, always loving to hear him. She reached out and playfully pawed at him, before flicking him with her tail. "Let's go relax, hmm?" she asked, standing up and walking towards the meadow, a beautiful place that the pack held. Hopefully the sun would be warmer there. Catorii turned around and looked back at him, giving a small smile as if she was a pup again. Leonardo on the other hand, was not impressed woth Zumi not his brother, and in anger he got up, snatched his steak and stormed off. "fine, I'll eat somewhere else." he beamed, glaring at them before stumbling away, as far away from them as he could go without being scared of being alone, and it wasn't very far. Zumi couldn't help but chuckle. "Sensitive little guy, ain't he?" he said, messing up Mercutios head hair with a paw.



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He became furious as Kuro spoke of Kou, "You are lucky we are presence of my daughter..." He warned. "If I catch you near my daughter again, or if I hear you speak of her mother again....I will make you wish you were never born." He added in a deep and serious tone as he puffed out his chest. "I know what kind of wolf you are, I don't know why the alpha's haven't did away with you after what you did to Nora...A rapist will not be near my daughter." He said as he then turned to Amari, "Let's go Amari, We need to find!" He said in a more serious tone as he grabbed her by the scruff and padded towards where the other's were, He noticed the small green and pink wolf had returned home, and padded to her and set Amari down, "Nora, Your'e sister is sick, will you please heal her?" He asked trying not to sound frantic.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


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She looked up as she saw her adopted family walk over to her. "She's sick?" She said with a panic as she looked at her sister, she didn't look so well. "Yes, lets get her out of the cold and into my den..." She said as she grabbed some more food for Amari and then padded back toward her den hoping Eli and Amari would follow. "Anar, when your done eating will you mind helping me?...this may be a two wolf job!" She called out to Anar.



It seemed like most of the wolves have eaten now, so he decided to take a small amout of the bear meat. He ate it quickly, but he was very curious about the purple wolf, he wondered why he was getting these vibes from her, he decided to approach her, he padded over to the small group she was in. "Hello..." He said simply. He could read the fire wolf's mind, it seemed like he and the purple wolf were a couple.


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Amari was forced to hack as she was lifted by the scruff, the pressure hurting her throat. She waved g'bye to Kuro with a smile as she wriggled her nose, it seemed so dry.. She coughed again, sniffling as she was brought to Nora. Nora was right, she was cold actually.. But at the same time, she was hot.. Amari didn't like being sick.. It was truly no fun. As Nora ran away frantically, she couldn't help but become scared. "What's she gunna do to me Daddy?" Amari asked, shivering as her lip started to quiver and the little girl began to cry.



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He pulled her into hug and said "Shes gonna help you feel better, love. She's just worried about you being sick so no one else gets sick. Let's go inside and depending on how you feel later we can find Zorr and Catorri so you can play with their pups okay?" he smiled down at her and ushered her inside.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


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His eyebrows lifted at the sound of another and Tyson grumbled a bit, looking up to see Nora feasting not too far off, and saying something nice. "Ah, no problem love." He said simply, lowering his head again as Eli approached with Amari, and Nora hurried off in a rush. Tyson was thankful that he didn't have the position of the healer, it seemed tiring, and he would rather hunt.

He looked around and noticed a new wolf to the pack, nodding his head to him as he passed by. Tyson yawned again, not really knowing what to do. Seeing as though he had a sufficient nap, he stood and stretched, walked back over to the more popular side of the pack, just watching things happen.




She was caught off guard by a voice, but turned and felt rather off about the newcomer. "Hello, who are you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Last she remembered, she didn't see this male before they had gone off for the hunt. A small glance at Apollo, she would have flashed him a question but decided against it, because her next instinct hushed her and she stared at Tyr once again. She couldn't read his mind.. and he had that strange vibe that she had felt when they re-entered Sera.

"Are you new around here? And, a psychic wolf, no?" She said with a smile, trying to figure him out.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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Amari shook her head repeatively as her father tried to coax her in. She didn't want anything to hurt, or taste bad, or anything! "I want mama." She whispered under her breath, knowing that when Leo and Mercutio were upset, their Mama always made it better. Why couldn't she have that too? The hug from her father was nice, but it wasn't what she hoped for. Gulping, the rather large pup for her size quickly allowed her armour to cover her body, still not used to controlling it as it tried to protect her, she cringed and hid behind her fathers leg, even though she was slowly outgrowing that spot.



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She ran inside and started to get things ready, once she did that she realized that Amari and Eli still were out in the snow. "Eli! We must hurry!" She shouted out to him from her den near by. Sydney on the other hand was mashing up herbs together, but they needed to know Amari's symptoms first.


He began to get a little nervous talking to the purple wolf, "I-I'm Tyr, A-And you?" He stammered. But he began to loosen up as she asked him about his element. "Yeah, I just arrived a few hours ago, I'm looking for a new home." He explained. "Yeah! I am a psychic wolf, are you?...because I can't read you at all" He asked with a small nervous chuckle.


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Frustration washed over him and said "Amari, she's gonna make the hurt to away now get inside. Please!" his ears lowered as she whimpered about her mother his ears flattened. "I can't bring her back Amari so please just listen to me. Be happy with me here and know someday in the future you'll see your mother again." he stepped inside and hoped she'd follow.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


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As Anar finally got close to the food, he caught Nora's quick request before she headed towards what he believed was her den, with the cute pup Amari that he had first met when he arrived here, and the cranky father carrying the pup.

"Lux, could you please save me some food, i'm going to see what needs my attention." Anar gave Lux a smile and a nod and walked towards the Den, noticing the pup crying and the father desperate to get her inside.
Anar walked up and spoke to the little Amari
"Hey Amari, do you remember me? I'm the wolf you helped introduce to Sera pack, im very grateful. Now you are not looking to good Amari, you better go inside to Nora so we can help you get better, that way you can be able to dance and play again. Would you like that?"
Anar then turned to the father," Now I don't think we have gotten off to well, I realise last time you were just protecting your child. But with your permission, I would help Nora make Amari better. Is that ok with you?"
He turned quickly into the den and greeted Nora as well
"I'm here Nora, give me a moment with little Amari's father then I can help out."


..."Only in death, does duty end"...

Anar: Earth | Sera Forest | Helper: Kayla

Varl: Electricity | Phoenix Forest | Helper: Mkoll

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Amaris ears pinned back as her fathers voice scared her, and didn't make her feel much better. She glared at the ground, wishing she could have atleast met her mother, and hoped she wasn't as stubborn as her Dad. Then, that weird flower smell filled her nostrils and she cringed at it, as if it smelt too good. But, a familiar face filled the stentch and Amari smiled, his kind words making her feel a little better. "Yes sir, I would like that!" she perked up a bit, but wasn't feeling well enough to show the difference. Taking a big breath, Amari stepped inside, letting out a sigh as she wasn't in the cold snow anymore.



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"Hi sissy, I'm sorry you are sick...Can you tell me what hurts or feels funny so i can give you the right medicine." She explained to Amari in a calm and sweet tone. "Okay Anar, I'll analyze Amari..." She called out to him.


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He looked over at the male wolf, this wasn't the best time for an apology. He shrugged and said "Whatever." He padded after Amari and sat down behind Nora wanting to watch her. He waited for the new wolf to come in and wondered if he was ranked a healer by the alphas.


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Anar once again was bothered by the attitude of the father wolf, and the way he spoke to Anar before walking into the den. Anar knew he couldnt' do anything about it, so he tried to ignore his unease and followed the fater wolf into the den. The den itself was quite warm and Anar paced quickly over to Nora, brushing his tail on her side, to let her know of his arrival. "Any ideas?" he asked, looking at Nora.


..."Only in death, does duty end"...

Anar: Earth | Sera Forest | Helper: Kayla

Varl: Electricity | Phoenix Forest | Helper: Mkoll

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"Well, I think she has a fever, so a fever reducer for sure, and she has been coughing so we need something to get the mucus out of her lungs.." Nora suggested. "Amari can you tell us what hurts?" She asked again.


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Anar listened to Nora's first series of diagnosis. "A fever you say, hmmm well I do have some Yarrow which can fix that up in no time back at home. We will need to boil the Yarrow in some water and have the little one drink some."  Anar spoke quietly to Kayla in their dialect requesting that she find the  Yarrow and bring some of it back. Kayla nodded and nibbled affectionately on Anar's ear before hopping off his back and walking out of the den so she could take flight. Anar watched her go before turning back to Nora and Amari, taking a brief look at the father watching over. "As for the coughing, I don't think my stores have anything that can work, do you have anything Nora?" He caught Nora's eye and felt himself begin to blush, quickly he tried to put his attention on something else so he focused again on Amari "You will be ok little one, trust us."


..."Only in death, does duty end"...

Anar: Earth | Sera Forest | Helper: Kayla

Varl: Electricity | Phoenix Forest | Helper: Mkoll

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"Hmmm, That would be a good idea, Anar...We don't have anything to make a fire with though..." She said with a sigh, but then had an idea. "Anar will you get Apollo and ask for his fire assistance?" She asked him with a smile. "He's the fire wolf near the others, Tyson and Aeris..." She explained. "I have some chickweed I can give to her to sooth her lungs and stop some of that hacking..." She said as she rummaged through her herb satchel to find the plant.


He gave a dip of his head to Apollo, he then began to blush as she started to invite him to train with her. "Yeah, I would like that, I'm a trial member for now it would be cool to hang out with an other psychic." He said with a goofy smile. He was a little nervous because he could sense a little hint of Jealousy coming from the fire wolf, but she just said they were best friends, not mates. So he didn't have anything to worry about. He was really intrigued by her.

-- Edited by KammiWehrwulf on Wednesday 1st of February 2012 07:24:27 PM


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She didn't like the sound of all of this talk of boiling stuff and whatever Yarrow was. Amaris eyes watched around the room, her head moving quicker than normal on account of her blind eye. "Uhh.. Uhh.." she didn't know what hurt, and just wanted to cry. "I.. I.." lowering her head, Amari felt really nervous and hacke up a pile of gook. After that she laid down, whimpering. "I just don't feel good..."



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She noticed how nervous this new wolf was acting, and thought it was cute. She laughed, wondering if she looked intimidating or something.

"My name is Aeris, and yes, I too am a psychic wolf." She smiled, "Well, welcome to Sera. I found my home here on accident, literally." She explained, not going into much detail since she didn't want to talk her brain off.

She glanced over at Apollo, who was being unusually quiet. "That there is Apollo, my good friend, best friend actually." She giggled, "He's a fire wolf, I'm sure you can read that though." Aeris explained, watching Tyr now as she tried to figure him out. She had never met a psychic wolf before, and found it slightly exciting to meet someone like herself. "Maybe we could train together sometime, I'm supposed to be a warrior but I'm not very good at my element in combat. I could teach you stuff I know, and you could help me out!" She smiled, "Unless you get ranked a hunter or something." 


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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She flicked her tail around as the male spoke, he seemed nervous. She didn't know why, but ignored it and continued on. "Sounds good to me." She said, with a twist of her lips. "Not sure if you know, but Ronoh is our arch enemy. If you ever hear them, or see them, feel free to kill." She warned, figuring he had to learn eventually if he was going to be a part of Sera.

"You plan to stay? It's a nice place and all, but what rank would you want?" She didn't like being a warrior, but infront of others, she felt superior with the rank, even with no skill for it. 


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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"Oh, okay...No I didn't come across any Ronoh wolves during my travel...Like I promised Catorii I'll do my best to help protect Sera." He explained to her. "Hmmm...I think I could make a decent warrior, I had to fight a lot growing up...." He said not wanting to get to much further into his childhood. He looked down at his paws for a brief moment then thought he was being rude and then gave her a shy smirk. Smiling was a nervous habit of his. Since it seemed like Artemis didn't feel Loki's touch, the Honey badger decided to pull a prank on someone else. He went down into the bushes and dug up some mud, he rolled it up in a ball the best he could and flung it at Zumi, then hid back into the bushes.


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Zumi twitched as a ball of mud smushed into his rear. He turned to see what did that, and didn't see anything. Glancing at Leonardo, he toured it couldn't be him since he was distracted off in the distance. "Hey, who threw that?" he asked Mercutio, who hopefully noticed. Zumi shook his coat out, tryin to get rid of the mud. Last thing he wanted to do was take a bath in the winter..



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He peered through the leaves in the bushes, he accidentally let a small giggle out. He put his paws over his mouth and tried his hardest not to move incase the young wolves didn't hear him.


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His ears flickered and he gave a silent nod, picking himself up and following after his mate. The meadow was snowy and he wished to see it when it was Spring time, for the flowers were always lovely. He noticed his pace had slackened once more, causing himself to pick up speed into a bound toward Catorii. He nipped her flank affectionatly and felt the thin rays of the sun. The clouds looked heavy with snow, so he was going to enjoy the sun while he could.

Giving a gently buffet of his muzzle against her shoulder, he looked around. "Finally have some alone time for the moment, everyone seems to be getting situated." He gave a relieved sigh, looking over at Catorii with a longing gaze. It had been too long since he was alone with her and his memories with her flooded back.


"Fine then!" Mercutio shouted out to his brother bitterly, giving an 'umph' sound and turning his head away. Mercutio gave a shy smile at Zumi and nodded his head. "Yeah, he'll get over it soon." Mercutio shrugged, not worried about his brother's feelings hurt. His gaze was turned out into the forest once more, almost as if something was calling to him. His red eyes gazed out but he snapped back at Zumi. "What?" He asked, standing up and sniffing at the mud that was thrown. "Zum Zum, why do you have mud on you?"



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As the light wolf walked besides Anar to the meal, he dipped his head to any pack wolf that would've passed by in respect. He didn't deserve to have such a fine feast on the account of just being a loner. However, Lux would take the offering and eat some, not overwelcoming his stay by having too much. At Anar's words, Lux nodded his head. "Yes, of course. I'll be here." He replied with a smile. Lux walked slowly over to the meal, plucked up a small portion and another larger portion for Anar. He lowered himself down to lay near Artemis since she was the closest wolf nearby. He called out a simple greeting to her, before he quickly ate his portion and allowed Anar's to sit undisterbed besides him.



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"Ooooh, I'm shaking." Kuro mocked as Eli spoke before walking away with his daugther. Kuro watched him with a cold, blue stare and snapped at a few stray snowflakes. He gave a small wicked smile at Amari as the pup waved to her. He was sure that she'd go against her father's wishes and visit him once more. If she didn't, Kuro wouldn't be bothered by it. He flapped his bat wings in the air, wishing that he could fly and take off but he would never be able to. So, Kuro stood there with usual disappointment before rejecting the idea of going to the pack meal.

However, his stomach got the better of him and Kuro decided to strut his way down there. He kept a continuous growl in his throat the whole time as he came too late, picking up the left overs of the meal. He felt the presence of a light wolf and his shadows lashed out as a means to protect him.



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"I'll gather some snow so we can melt it and it will make it easier for the herbs to boil together..." She added as she found her rock that was hallowed out like a bowl that she used for these type of things, and grinding herbs into a pulp like fashion. She took it outside with her when she looked out into the distance and saw him, the evil one who would forever haunt her...Kuro. She gasped and ran back inside her den, "On second thought, Anar...Do you mind doing that for me as well?" She asked almost not being able to talk.


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Zumi shrugged it off, slightly put off but decided it wasn't a big deal. Standing, Zumi looked down at Mercutio. "One day, we Need to go exploring." he exclaimed. "Father spoke of the beach, and how beautiful it was, but I never got to see it for myself.." he sat down, looking up to the sky as if tryin to see his father for a moment. As peace overwhelmed him, he smiled down at the little guy. "Y'know, my father is your uncle. Pretty cool huh? That means we're cousins, and cousins always gotta stick together."



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Catorii was forced to giggle as she felt the nip and touch of her love. Playfully, she reached around and nipped back at him. Her excitement couldn't refrain much longer, and she pounced at him like a pup, pushing him down into the snow as she licked his nose. "Have I told you lately that I love you?" she smiled, giving a slight shiver from the chilly air, but Zorr always had that warmth to him that kept her content.



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Amari was put off by all the movements and things going on around her. She shivered in place, now unable to tell if she was scared or sick. Laying down, Amari felt dizzy. She closed her eyes, and began to pant. The boogers in her nose prevented her from breathing, so it was her only choice.



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He felt his impatience growing as Amari was starting to look worse and worse by the minute. His armor began to bristle as his low growl rising in his throat "I'll do it myself." He stepped out of the cave his growl mounting. He found Apollo and said "We need you in the healers den." his armor was beggining to spread down his shoulders.


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She nodded simply. "I didn't want to be a warrior." She said, "But, apparently I earned it." She really had no idea why she was a warrior, probably the war and all.. but, hey. New experiences, new challenges.. they were always a joy to life. 

"So.." She really didn't have much to say and the way Tyr was smiling at her made her feel a bit uncomfortable. she looked around a bit, turning to Apollo again as he seemed extremely quite. Eli had approached, and she nodded to him, wondering why they needed Apollo in the healers den. She reached over and kicked him to try and startle him. "Hey, fire boy. Your needed," She nodded towards Eli, hoping he would help. "Do you need my help in any way?" She offered the male, wondering why he was so upset.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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