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Roleplay #7

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"Yes, it shall. I wish their pups will grow closer to the pack, I'd be sadden if they became reserved like their parents..." The alpha trailed off before his head turned into the direction of a howl. His eyes glanced outside, about to heave upwards to go address the situation. He was just starting to get ready to sleep and didn't want to move away from both his mate or his daughter. Noticing from his den, that Tyson was taking his sons over toward the howl. Zorr eased down, there was enough and maybe they could learn a few leadership things from Tyson.

Zorr nuzzled into Catorii, giving her a small smile. "The boys did excellent. They're still young, so many things they seem to find not-so exciting. They'll learn soon enough." He smiled.



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"I like the way you think." Kuro smiled, his tail twitching with just the thought. Kuro bent his chin down to give Kuna a lick across her muzzle. "I feel like the alphas sons would be too hurt to fully think straight during the fight. With the training of Amari, I can get her on my side, she seems to have a liking for power over friendship." Kuro grumbled, remembering her attempt at blackmail toward him. Kuro, then, remembered the training session. Looking out, he noticed the thick snows but it was still night time. In a few hours, he'd have to get up and train. Kuro lowered his head in an attempt to hopefully lull himself into sleep, but listening to Kuna and the outside winds.



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Mercutio watched as Amari grew nervous before dashing off into the forest. Maybe it was time to train and she was late? He shrugged, she was secretive at times. Mercutio's head tilted upward at the howl, it seemed like more than one with various vocal ranges. He shivered with excitement at Leonardo's words. "Yeah, it'll be like investigating without him. Like a test." He whispered to Leo.

Mercutio followed after Tyson, keeping up with the beta. He wanted to smile but he refrained and kept a serious expression. It was getting chilly with the snow wind whipping about, his eyes squinted and he wanted to change into a creature that was more suited for the cold. However, it might cause fear in these new wolves.

Mercutio stood besides Tyson, a step or two back. His tail raised up as he watched the new ones. It looked like two males, one without a leg which made him stare for a moment before staring intently on the masculine, winged one. Something about this wolf made him itch, but was soon distracted by the pups that were around them. They were cute and reminded him of his sister. Then, he gave a strange look when Trio explained that the pair were mates and had pups. So...she was a female, why did she look like a male.

Mercutio decided to be polite and introduce himself. "I am Mercutio, the alpha's son." He dipped his head and looked at Trio again. His tribal markings look similar to his mother's and some of his own markings too. He looked to Leonardo, "The pups shouldn't be out in this weather, they should get some cover soon here."



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Catorii & Kianna

Her eyes were full of wonder as she heard the calls from many wolves, it sent a shrill down her spine at the prospect of getting new members in the pack, and growing in size all together. Surely Mercutio and Leonardo were in the footsteps of leadership, and she knew they would be able to handle it just fine, especially with Tyson by their side.

"I love you." Catorii said, breaking the silence as her mate spoke about their pups. She was so content with life, she just couldn't resist nuzzling into the male, closing her eyes and inhaling his wonderful scent. Turning, she gave a lick to the sleeping Kianna,  before something red caught her eye, perched up on a rock. "Zorr.. do you see that?" She said, squinting her eyes. "Now, how did a little red bird get in here?" 

In her response to the bird, the cardinal flapped its wings and fluttered away. As it's wings flapped, Kianna yet again bursted into flames. The cardinal landed on a rock, and Kianna's flames died down once again. 

Catorii looked to Zorr, her eyes wild with delight. "Zorr, our daughter.. she is literally a piece of us." She couldn't contain her excitement, reaching out to give her mate a lick on the cheek, not wanting to awaken her daughter. "Don't scare the bird, I think that may be her helper. Let's hope it doesn't fly away." She said, crossing her fingers as she eyed the bird, before turning to look at Zorr once again, smiling so big and proud.



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The male quickly followed behind, taking the caboose as they made their way towards the pack lines. Seeing a family, Leonardo was put off as the male introduced himself, what looked to be another male, and two completly adorable pups.

"Oh, they are so cute!" Leonardo couldn't help but exclaim. "Kianna should love little Tanari." He said, tail wagging in a quick mannor to show just how excited he was. Watching the pair, Leonardo couldn't help but wonder; what happened to the one on the right's leg, and the one on the left, why was 'he' and the three-legged one, mates. He had never heard of such a thing, and watched them quietly, as if trying to take it all in.

"My name is Leonardo." He stepped forward as Mercutio finished speaking. Remembering how his father treated the situation, he brought fourth words that he put together with little effort. "Sera is a beautiful place, and if you were interested in staying, then we would have to put you and your family into trial. During this time, we would measure your capabilities and see if you are fit to stay permanently, along with assigning you a rank and making this your true home." Leonardo said, feeling proud of his words as it almost came naturally, but he didn't sound too confidant and he was a bit nervous.

"S-so, do you guys have any talent?" Leonardo said, wondering what rank they may be fit into. In all reality, they had a good number of hunters, but Artemis could probably enjoy more; and Eli needed some more warriors, as they seemed to be narrowing down these days. Leonardo continued to think, trying to remember just who was in the pack. It was hard, being new and still learning things.

"And, uh... a cave." Leonardo looked to Mercutio, not really sure what to say next.



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The Psyhic wolf turned to stare at Apollo, as though her eyes were full of pain. She watched as he performed a routine with his helper and her ears perked up as something fell to the ground.

"It's, for me?" She asked, almost smiling until she heard the other half of what he was saying. For someone else.. She lowered her head, looking back to the waters. "I don't want it if you made it for someone else." She said, "Why don't you just go give it to them, then." So, that was where he went, to make something for someone else. She normally would have dug into his brain to figure out just who the other wolf was, figuring it was a younger, prettier wolf than herself, but her mind was filled with so much sorrow and anger, she just stared out back at the water and tried not to cry, tried not to scream in his face, and tried to yet again, forget about the male. 

-- Edited by Emily on Thursday 8th of November 2012 10:41:19 AM


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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The male watched quietly as the boys seemed to step up with the talking. He was rather impressed with Leonardo, who was usually a bit more submissive and had taken a stand and spoken up to the foursome. 

"A warm place for those pups sounds good to me. Why don't you guys take my den? It's quite large for myself, and I don't really plan on using so much space.." His voice trailed off as he looked down at the pups. It would be wonderful for him to have his own some day, but he knew that with his growing age and looks, his likelyhood was growing to be lesser and lesser.

"Follow me, then." Tyson explained, leading the group to his cave, while allowing Mercutio and Leonardo to keep an eye on them, just in case something was truely up with the group; he knew to never let his guard down. 



The male offered a smile to the two boys, nodding as each introduced themselves, taking a moment to control his son by putting a paw around him and holding him close. "We look forward to finding out just where we belong. My mate and I do enjoy hunting, although we have never tried to be a warrior, I'm sure it's something we could test and see which is fit." He explained, smiling over to Sora. "We are both thrilled to be here, and yes, a warm den does sound wonderful..." Trio hadn't been inside a den since he was little like Renci, back in the tribal days when he was still a part of the tribe. 

"I am looking forward to meeting the Alpha, aswell." He noted, since the two boys mentioned they were his son. He couldn't help but stare at Mercutio for a bit, wonderful why his markings reminded him so much of himself. Carefully, Trio stood and lifted Renci so the pup didn't have to bounce through the snow, carrying him by the scruff and looking back to be sure that Sora and Tanari were joining them. Excitement filled in his eyes, finally, he felt the security his family truely needed.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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"Oh no, no, no no, please don't cry..." Apollo whimpered and plastered his ears against his skull. "No, I just...." Oh jeez..This was not going as he planned. "No, Aeris..." He edged closer and reached out to touch her, but decided that right now the sweet female before him wouldn't appreciate it. The fire wolf backed away and stared at her with a lowered head. "Fine. I will, then," he growled and picked up both ends of the necklace and turned around.

But then he whirled around again and planted all four feet firmly against the ground. "Aeris, when I said that it wasn't for you, I was telling the truth. This is not for you. This is for my mate."

Then, in a softer voice, "Aeris, I'm....I'm....Will you...?" Ho boy...Even after rehearsing so much...he still couldn't get it right. His courage began to lose ground quickly. He began to grow antsy. He was so in the wrong that it wasn't even funny. Who'd even want to be mates with a complete and total loser like him? Even after he left for so long? "Please don't cry...."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She blinked as the sun brightened slowly before she stood her night sleepless dreading the "play" date her pups would have to endure today. She woke them up gently nuzzling them and gathered them up streching. She wanted to get this over with and she moved around quietly as not to wake Kuro. She nudged her pups "Come on, time to go play." She licked Kuros cheek softly as not to wake him as she walked into the Hun her tail curling over her. Her helper followed her closely and said "Kuna, do you really think one of your pups will gallants the new alphas?" She looked off into the trees and said "Of course, I plan on Kuro and I training them once they can learn." The badger nodded and said "Just Becarful you could be banished if the alphas hear talk of this..." She looked at him and said "Hmph." The alphas den came into veiwed and she sat a little ways away and waited for them to emerge.


The dark pup sighed as she was woke, she streched her deformities were fully formed and she was instantly on gaurd about people judging her looks. She had elongated fangs, spikes, scales, wings, horns and a serpent tail she knew she looked different from her family members but she kinda liked her serpentine shape. The darkness pup followed her family to the little den her helper landed on a branch above her watching her but chattering with Tyrion Harle's helper.


He followed them happier than his sister but still not showing his emotions, Harle heard them talking but ignored it he held a quiet disposition preferring not to talk if he didn't absolutely need to. He nipped Amara and smiled with a wave she would be excited to go outside. He was surprised as he saw multiple other wolves and he looked to his mother, who were they? Why were they at his home.. He of course disnt say anything but sat obediantly but his mother waiting for her to move.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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The female felt her heart crack as Apollo lashed out and took the necklace, heading in the opposite direction. She didn't dare turn, trying to remove him, trying to erase the memories and the feelings, until she heard his voice again, and couldn't help but turn to stare. "What?"

He was so unclear, she had problems trying to figure out what he meant, so she finally went to the source of it all: digging through the cluttered and messy mind of his. Aeris watched him stand there, stuttering and in a huff of a mess. Her eyes grew soft and she allowed her lips to curl ever so slightly into a smile.

"Apollo, take a breath." She said, turning to face him as she sat before him, unable to refrain from grinning. "I missed you so much. I thought I scared you away." Her ears lowered with her words, but only for a moment. Returning her eye contact towards him, she turned her head innocently to the side, as if clueless about what he wanted. "Now, what in the world are you trying to tell me?" She had almost a devious smile on her face, wondering if he realized that she actually knew, or if he was so nervous that he didn't see her obvious signs of happiness. She nudged him a bit, as if trying to encourage him, wanting to actually hear him say the words she had been waiting for him to say since she first fell in love with him.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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Apollo visibly sank lower, now completely nervous an unmovitated. His orange eyes averted themselves. He began to chew on his lip. "You? Scare me away?" His eyes playfully met hers. "Puh-lease. You couldn't scare a fly." The fire wolf huffed and made a face, shaking his head. Of course he knew that she knew. She was a Psychic wolf. He was used to this kinda stuff. "Aeris," he held the necklace higher. "Will you be my mate?"


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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"No." She said, her eyes lighting up with fake-anger, before launching herself forward to tackle him to the ground. Grinning, she licked him on the nose and stared at him, almost like he was an idiot. "Of course I'll be your mate." She said, as if he didn't have to ask the question, pulling it off as though he never even needed to ask. "Your all I got, and when you left.. I didn't know what to do with myself. I love you Apollo, for everything you are. And you didn't have to make me a necklace just to prove yourself." She smiled at him, now dropping down to lie on him, laying closer than they had ever laid before, inhaling his scent as she felt the need to be as close as possible to make up for the moments they had missed together. Closing her eyes, she just enjoyed the moment; her heart still fluttering from his words, feeling like a little girl on the inside, one that had just gotten the biggest gift in her entire life; love.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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Sora quieted down as they were suddenly approached by three other wolves. Well, that was fast... She stayed quiet as Trio seemed to talk thier way into the packlands and instead wondered what they thought about her. She saw confusion, yes, and a great itching feeling as the black one neered. The shapeshifter wondered what element could cause her that discomfort. Well, whatever the cause, she dipped her head once towards the Beta's generous offer, murmured a "thank you", and trailed after her mate. But as Tanari didn't follow her, she turned back and went to stand a ways away from her, head tilted in mild amusement.

Though she was still shivering, Tanari wondered up towards the other wolves and proudly puffed out her chest. "My name's Tanari!" It was then apparent that she didn't quite know what to say yet. "I look foreward to finding out...uh...something, something, something, warrior!" She didn't quite remember what her father had said, sooo she improvised.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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The little pup watched in wonder as Tanari introduced herself. He had no idea what to say, and simply just stared at her, before looking up to the bigger wolves. "My name, is Renci." He nodded like his father had, smiling. He would have done another type of introduction, but as soon as he spoke his father had picked him up by the scruff and started to carry him out and away from his mother and sister. Looking back, Renci tried to squirm about, but his body was limp and he couldn't do much more then let out a whimper. 

"And I have the coolest sister in the world." He said, whispering to himself, since he didn't get to say it to the other wolves.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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Zorr was already starting to drift into a sleep, "I love you too, beautiful." He mumbled, his eyes closed as he spoke, pushing himself closer to her for the comforting heat and familiar heartbeat he could feel when they were pressed close against each other.

At Catorii's calling, he groggily opened his eyes. "See what? ...What little, red bird?" He asked, figuring she might be confusing Thor for being red for some reason. Zorr turned his head in the direction, finally seeing the bird as it flew toward a rock to perch on. He didn't think much of it until the sight of his daughter bursting into flames. Zorr's head shot up from off his mate's paws to watch, in case it happened again.

"Fire. A wonderful element for her." Zorr beamed, pressing his nose into Catorii in pride. He had hoped one of his children were to carry on both their elements. He smiled, watching the bird now as if it was some form of miracle.



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Stirring on Kuna's nudge, Amara protested by trying to curl into a tighter ball besides her mother. However, it seemed her warmth disappeared which made Amara shiver and look up. Gradually, Amara picked herself up and shuffled over to her mother. She found her place besides Harle, before yipping at the small nip from her brother. Amara turned to glare at him, but she was fully awake now. Amara smiled at Harle, pressing against him as if in greeting. Suddenly, Amara stopped as she noticed large wolves with smaller ones hanging from their mouths.

She nudged Harle, "More playtimes?" She asked, her eyes bright and shinning. She was so happy to be outside again, and it seemed they were heading in the direction of the nice wolf. She couldn't sit still, so Amara bounded around in a circle while yipping, prancing in the cold snow.



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She waved to the boys, "Maybe when you guys get back we can play night time hide and seek!" she called out as they left. After all it was starting to get dark. She then turned back to Rayce. "Hey, What's wrong?" she asked.


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Rayce just looked at Nora for a couple minutes before answering "Nervous……uneasy. Feel…out place." he had been on hisown for so long it felt like he didn't belong here in the pack. He wanted to be in it, thats just how he felt about it.


Tragen-Male|Shape-Shifting|Crow (Loner)

Rayce-Male|Ice|Jay (Warrior of Sera)

Camilla-Female|Terra|Fin (Loner)

Tempest-Male|Air|Auster (Loner)

Tork-Male|Terra|Dade (Loner)

Sigma-Male|Space|Zeta (Trial Member of Inferno)

Karan-Female|Shape-Shifting|Sal (Loner)

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She flattened her ears, "Oh, Well lighten up silly. This is a great place, and most of the wolves are fairly nice...except for a few." she told him. Though it seemed like he might get along with Kuna and Kuro, because he was so cold. "Do you want me to continue to show you around or let you be?" she asked.


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Rayce thought for a minute before answering "Show…around." he hadn't seen much of the pack and still didn't very many wolves so having her show him the pack grounds and help introduce him to others would help. Plus, he could find a nice cold place for him to eat and rest.


Tragen-Male|Shape-Shifting|Crow (Loner)

Rayce-Male|Ice|Jay (Warrior of Sera)

Camilla-Female|Terra|Fin (Loner)

Tempest-Male|Air|Auster (Loner)

Tork-Male|Terra|Dade (Loner)

Sigma-Male|Space|Zeta (Trial Member of Inferno)

Karan-Female|Shape-Shifting|Sal (Loner)

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The female couldn't help but smile, watching the bird for a moment as her eyes became heavy, the warmth from her mate and element lulling her to sleep. It wasn't long until her head fell to her paws, nuzzling into Zorr and her daughter as she quietly slipped into wonderland.

(Sorry, trying to quicken their night up a bit, since Kuna is waiting. Zumi is sleeping in his den, at the moment. )

-- Edited by Munsteh on Saturday 10th of November 2012 06:36:55 PM



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Where's Zumi at, Sarah?


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"It seems like everyone else has gone in for the night, Rayce." she told him as she looked around in the dark. "Tomorrow I'll Introduce you to more of the pack." she told him. "Would you like me to help you find an empty den to sleep in?" she asked as she got up from the snow.


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Rayce nodded silently, he could walk around the territory tomorrow. Jay swayed a little bit while hanging from his wolfels neck then closed his eyes and fell. Rayce caught him before he hit the ground and puthim on his back.


Tragen-Male|Shape-Shifting|Crow (Loner)

Rayce-Male|Ice|Jay (Warrior of Sera)

Camilla-Female|Terra|Fin (Loner)

Tempest-Male|Air|Auster (Loner)

Tork-Male|Terra|Dade (Loner)

Sigma-Male|Space|Zeta (Trial Member of Inferno)

Karan-Female|Shape-Shifting|Sal (Loner)

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She looked at her pink daughter and said "Yes dear, you can play." She sighed knowing that she would never be like Harle or Elle. She let her tail curl around her paws as she waited impatiently for the alphas female. All of her pups were around her two waiting laying there quietly and Amara was jumping around excitedly so different she didn't understand.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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"Play! Thankies, Mama!" Amara barked merrily, not realizing she meant with the alphas daughter right now. She did a small dance around before jolting off toward the direction of Trio's family, along with Tyson and the alpha heirs. "Play time!" She barked to the wind, bouncing up and down through the snow. It was up to her knees, which made it difficult to run through. Amara made her way over to the brown, red and green new pups. "Hi! It's Playtime!" She barked, lowering herself down to have her bottom half swing in the air in an offer to play.



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She snarled as Amara ran off again "Amara!" She barked her voice stern "Get over here." Her eyes narrowed she would have to start explaining herself clearer obviously. She flicked a tail to her daughter in irritation and noticed Elle stand and take a step towards her sister wanting to retrieve her for her mother.


Vierroicon_zps17928827.gifKenna icon photo Kennaicon_zps6b93f117.gifKoriicon_zps68b7252e.gif


Kou angel photo Kouicon_zps438d2cea.gifEli angel photo Eliicon_zps48b3cc5a.gifSivaangel_zpscd7fb829.gifVishuangel_zps03c3e944.gif



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Mercutio's jaw dropped as Leonardo braved himself up to do introductions and speak almost in a business-like tone. He stared with a bewilderment and then made him feel embarassed. He was the one that should've said that, he was the more upfront one. Mercutio felt his blood boil as his father's temperment came back but then he pushed it off as quick as it came. He would support his brother, no matter what.

Mercutio decided to take the side of the newcomers, rather than the front with Tyson. He figured it allow him to get to know him better and so he could keep an eye on them if they did anything funny. He guessed they wouldn't, but you never knew about wolves. Passing Leonardo, he bumped into him, "You did a good job back there." He smiled.

As Trio metioned looking forward to meeting his father, Mercutio smiled, "He's a nice guy, no doubt you'd like him. It seems many wolves do." Mercutio boasted about his father, his tail wagging. He stopped to look back, noticing the larger winged wolf stop for the smaller pup. "Hello Tenari." Mercutio looked down, bending his head down to get closer to the wolf. "I'm sure you'll be a good warrior one day." He smiled at the pup's enthusiasm. "But you have to sleep and grow big before you can." Mercutio looked up toward Sora, giving her a soft smile.

Mercutio, then, waited until she continued on before he started walking. He wouldn't want to leave them behind.



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She gave him a smiled before bounding off towards most of the caves. She found one that seemed darker and colder than the others. "Would this one do?" she asked him with a wag of her little curly tail.


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Amara quickly spun around on her paws, fumbling around for a moment on her large paws. She tilted her head to look at Kuna, her mom didn't look to happy. Maybe she shouldn't have ran off. But she said okay to playtime? Amara tilted her head before looking at the pup in Trio's mouth. "Be back. Mama wants me." She smiled, her rounded ears upright. Amara scrambled off toward Kuna, wiggling around her. "Mama wants me?" She asked with pure innocence. Amara smiled and gave Kuna a lick on the cheek.



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"Yeah!" Tanari yelped, tail wagging non-stop as she got a compliment. She still didn't know what a warrior did, but it sounded cool, so she wanted to be one. Her tail began to wag again as the new puppy turned up, and Tanari was instantly bounding around her, though it was starting to get tiring due to the snow.

"Aww..." She whined as the pink puppy ran away. But after a look back towards her mother, she got a naughty grin on her face and bolted after the puppy. Once she reached the other one, she tackled her to the snow, giggling all the while. "Hi! My name's Tanari! Imma be a something-something-something warrior!"

Nodding toward the darker, younger male, Sora ruffled her wings uncomfortably. She didn't join a pack so her pups could fight and potentially die. She looked up towards the sky and softly closed her eyes, breathing in the crisp winter air. With a jolt, she opened her eyes and her attention turned onto the young male. "I'm sorry. I've gotten a little side-tracked. Tanari, let's go. Tanari?" The black-and-green "male" looked around her for her pup, but didn't find her anywhere. "Tanari?"

Her golden eyes followed the tracks in the snow, and she bounded after them, growing faster the farther she went. "Tanari!" She yelled once she found her young daughter, hastily grabbing her off of the other pup.

"Mama!" She squeaked, subconsciously curling into a ball once she was grabbed by the scruff. Tanari had never gotten in trouble before, and so she began to tremble. "Sorry, Mama, sorry!"

"Tanari, you don't run away from me, okay? Ever."

Then, turning towards the other wolf, Sora gave an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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He looked back as they made it to the cave, offering a smile as he sat down. "This cave should do, make yourself at home and we will discuss further matters with the Alpha, in the morning." He gave a smile, looking at Mercutio and Leonardo for a moment, wondering if they had anything to add before he departed.

Trio & Renci

The male couldn't help but smile as he listened to the darker male, Mercutio, speak of his father. He hoped that one day, his son would talk well of him and put his name in pride. "That is wonderful." He said, and as they reached the den he put Renci down. 

As soon as the little one's feet touches the ground, he made a 90 degree turn and swiftly ran back towards his mother and sister. Finally, he had time to be free! Bouncing through the snow, Renci plac ed his paws firmly on the ground and haulted with a face-plant in the snow as he saw his mother scolding Tanari. Whimpering, Renci backed up and hoped he wasn't noticed, before making a u-turn and sprinting back to his fathers side.

Trio shook his head and laughed. "These pups are a hand full. I can't believe they're no tired, it's been quite the day." He looked up to the blazing moon, giving a smile as the stars seemed to twinkle. Maybe his father was looking down at him, proud of who he had become despite his missing leg.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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The ice wolf followed Nora slowly at first but then quickening his step, figuring he should quite those times when he was sluggish. This was something towards lightening up in his mind. When she showed him the cave he walked in to examine it. Back in his homeland they had made their dens from ice but this was just as nice. His mouth twitched a bit in what looked like a small atempt of a smile to her "" It was soon colder in the cave than it was outside.


Tragen-Male|Shape-Shifting|Crow (Loner)

Rayce-Male|Ice|Jay (Warrior of Sera)

Camilla-Female|Terra|Fin (Loner)

Tempest-Male|Air|Auster (Loner)

Tork-Male|Terra|Dade (Loner)

Sigma-Male|Space|Zeta (Trial Member of Inferno)

Karan-Female|Shape-Shifting|Sal (Loner)

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She nodded and attempted to smile as all the snow was falling on her. "Your'e very welcome." she told him as she shivered. "I'll see you tomorrow..." she told him, then gave another dip of her head and bounded off towards her own den. Sydney was on her back trying to keep warm in her longer green fur near her neck. She reached her den and then shook the snow off of her as she went in. Sydney was flying into a pile of furs. "Umfff!" the small gecko said. "Sorry, Syd." She told him as she cuddled next to him in the pile of warm furs.


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He nodded to her in return and turned around when she left, his expression going back to being blank. He found a spot in the cave and soon made a sleeping area of ice to make it like back at home. The ice and temperature he was sleeping in right now were, for him, like sleeping next to a warm fire on soft ground.


Tragen-Male|Shape-Shifting|Crow (Loner)

Rayce-Male|Ice|Jay (Warrior of Sera)

Camilla-Female|Terra|Fin (Loner)

Tempest-Male|Air|Auster (Loner)

Tork-Male|Terra|Dade (Loner)

Sigma-Male|Space|Zeta (Trial Member of Inferno)

Karan-Female|Shape-Shifting|Sal (Loner)

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The young male dipped his head to Sora, "Don't fret, we're not in any hurry." He replied before following after her, watching as she chased after the pup toward Kuna and her litter waiting outside his home. Mercutio backtracked and stood nearby Trio. "At least they won't be alone, we have many pups around their age, including my younger sister." Mercutio confirmed with a nod of his head and a smile to the anatomical wolf. "I'll leave you and your family now. Either my brother and I or our beta will recieve the alpha to fully meet you." Mercutio bowed his head to Trio and Tyson before loping off toward his own den again.


" 'Nari! I'm Amara!" She giggled as she was tackled into the snow. Feeling the sudden coldness, but never once having a problem with being pushed to the ground. "Momma and Poppa are warriors!" She said, not really knowing what that meant. It just make her feel special that they were warriors though. Maybe she'd be one too!

When a large, black and green wolf approuched to take her newly met friend away. Amara scrambled back to press against her mother and looked up with wide eyes at the wolf. Her ears twitched. Mama? That was her mother and told her not to run off. Did all mamas not want them to run from their side?

Amara leaped up suddenly as another pup came barrelling over to the group. Her tail started to wag, he looked just like Tanari. She let out a yip before he darted away. Amara was about to chase after him but stopped midstep as she remembered her mother's warning. Amara seated herself down next to Elle now with a huff.



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Taking a few deep breaths to calm her beating heart, Sora lowered her shoulders. "Tanari can play with you another day, if you and your mother both like. But not right now." As the shapeshifter turned to leave, Tanari waved a sad goodbye and hung limply in her mother's jaws.

Sora padded back to her mate, tail swishing behind her. The moon was already so high... She nuzzled against his side once before finally putting her daughter in the snow. "Now be a good girl and don't run off, okay?"


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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He gave a happy nod to the couple, and then to Mecutio. "The lad is right. We will continue our adventures in the morning. Perhaps the little ones could learn a lot, we have a lot to offer here. I often see the little guys sliding down the snowy hills, along with sliding around on the ice. Innocent fun." Tyson said, hoping to fill the little pup's minds with excitement with their new found home. "Sleep tight, Sora, Trio, Tanari and Renci." He repeated their names, as though his element was locking them in place, recording the time with them and the words they had shared together. Tyson made his way after Mercutio, figuring that Leonardo would be following after them shortly, aswell.

"I will be headed out. I feel like something isn't right, and I want to check on it before I go to sleep, myself." Tyson shouted through the night sky's wind. He knew it was getting late, and he had yet to see Artemis come in for the night, seeing Bentley pass through and Zumi, but not Artemis.

He nodded to Mercutio and scampered off, making his way back towards the previous spot where the new hunters had gone hunting. 

"Artemis?" He asked through the wind, seeing her standing there all alone. "It's getting late, would you like to go back to your den? I fear a blizzard may be coming out, tonight." He mentioned, reaching out to touch her with his nose, not wanting to frighten the silent female.



"No." She said, her eyes lighting up with fake-anger, before launching herself forward to tackle him to the ground. Grinning, she licked him on the nose and stared at him, almost like he was an idiot. "Of course I'll be your mate." She said, as if he didn't have to ask the question, pulling it off as though he never even needed to ask. "Your all I got, and when you left.. I didn't know what to do with myself. I love you Apollo, for everything you are. And you didn't have to make me a necklace just to prove yourself." She smiled at him, now dropping down to lie on him, laying closer than they had ever laid before, inhaling his scent as she felt the need to be as close as possible to make up for the moments they had missed together. Closing her eyes, she just enjoyed the moment; her heart still fluttering from his words, feeling like a little girl on the inside, one that had just gotten the biggest gift in her entire life; love.

-- Edited by Emily on Tuesday 13th of November 2012 10:03:02 AM


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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He was worn out after the hunt and the weather wasn't making it any easier on him. He hated the Winter. The coldness was just to intense for him, he mosied off towards the caves and found himself a cozy one. "Ah, this one will do, just right...Dont'cha think Ralphie?" He asked his fuzzy little helper. Ralphie popped out of the snow and shook his head as his little buck teeth chattered. He then scurried into the cave and Bentley followed.


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Trio & Renci

The males tail wagged as he felt a familiar touch through himself and his mate, returning the nuzzle with a lick to her cheek. "Thank you all, for your help." He said, nodding to the three. "We will see you in the morning, then." He said, making his way into the den as the wind of the snow suddenly disappeared, and it was quiet. "This seems nice." He said quietly, taking a look around. It surely hadn't been used in awhile, as it had no signs of life or anything. Turning back, he looked out to his mate and children. "Let's go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow, it seems." He said, watching as Renci pranced into the den. The little male seemed to want to touch everything, putting his paws all over the place, on the walls, the rocks, and the floor. "Look at this, and this!" He would say as his paws made contact with something. "Oh, and isn't this neat!" He made his way to the back of the den, looking around as though it was the most interesting spectrum he had ever witnessed. "I want to live here forever!" He exclaimed.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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He already made his big brave point, talking up like his father and taking a stand. Now, Leonardo kept quiet, letting his brother fill in the other words as he silently watched the pups. They were so adorable, he couldn't stop smiling. Reminensing of his childhood, he couldn't help but allow his tail to wag in such a mannor, it looked as though it would pop right off.

Watching the family make their way into the den, Leonardo nodded to them and barked a good-night, running off to catch up to Mercutio, barely hearing Tyson dismiss himself. "Goodnight Tyson!" He called, nudging Mercutio as he randomly took off, swiftly making his way back to the den.

"Dad, Dad! Da-" He shouted, closing his mouth as he wittnessed his mother and father, so closely tucked together that he could barely make out which body part was whos. "Wheres Kianna?" He whispered, making his way closer as he tried not to awaken the group, noticing Kianna tucked right in the middle of the mates. "Awww.." He whispered, looking out of the den for a moment as if waiting for his brother.

Normally, he'd reside to his part of the den and get comfortable, sleeping on his own. Tonight though, the compassion he saw through his mother and father made him curl right up to them, lowering his head on his mother's back, as he curled up to their rumps. Closing his eyes, Leonardo felt the intensity of the warmth as it brought back childhood memories, and he slowly drifted to sleep.



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The female made her way away from the meeting as she watched Tork run out and away. Part of her wanted to follow him, to leave this place and learn how to be wild and free like the male, but another part of her kept herself in place, knowing that Kuro had a lot to offer, and she couldn't resist something as good as that.

Finally turning her heels, Amari walked away from the edge of the forest, noticing only a few wolves out in the starlit sky. She quietly made her way to the healers den, wanting to sleep where Nora slept rather then where her father slept. Curling up, she tried not to inhale the herbs, although the scent wasn't as nearly as stong as it was in the spring. Eventually, Amari found herself in dream land, awaiting the next day's training to arrive.



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Noticing his brother speedily walk toward the den, Mercutio tried to increase his pace but he didn't feel the need to. He slackened it a bit, deciding to view darkened sky. It was cloudy, barely any stars visable on a night like this but the moon hung low and beautifully. Mercutio smiled to himself before going into the den. He stopped to stare in admiration as his whole family seemed to be curled up around each other, sleeping peacefully. It made his heart swell, he couldn't have asked for a better family. Mercutio decided he couldn't get enough of it and dropped down besides his brother, placing his head like he did on Leonardo's shoulder.

About to drift into a sleep, Mercutio's eyes snapped open. There was one member of the family not in this group, he glanced around. Where was Zumi? Mercutio pushed up on his tired paws and ambled his way over to where Zumi usually slept. Noticing the black and blue wolf, Mercutio made his way over to him and dropped down besides his role-model. Mercutio curled his back, facing away from Zumi but pressing his side in comfort. Surely the wolf would be getting cold since he wasn't near the heat of his family's dying flames.



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Although the cold was getting to him, Zumi was somehow content through the night, not realizing why until he ha awoken from his slumber. Looking around with tired eyes, the grown male was surprised to see his cousin wrapped around him, realizing the just why he was so warm and cozy. Not wanting to get up from his slumber, the male just looked around the room quietly. His section really wasn't much more than a space to crawl into and sleep, and so the closeness between males was making the area warmer than it would have been. Letting out a yawn, Zumis jaws opene wide causing his ears to push back an his eyes to close. He opened an closed his mouth a few times, as if tasting his morning breath.

Zumi wondered what time it was, and what he would experience through today's adventures. Perhaps today would be interesting. Perhaps, he may learn a few things here and there. His eyes met his best friend, whom was slumbering still between the tail and back leg of Zumi. The squirrel looked so peaceful, and Zumi was entranced to watch his stomach calmly lift up and down. The star that hung around Zumi wasn't dancing as it usually was, and instead was calm and floating up above Zumis head, actin as though it was a slumbering guardian.

-- Edited by Munsteh on Sunday 18th of November 2012 12:33:48 PM



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As soon as the early morning rays started to hit into the den, the darkness wolf shifted his head away as his eyes opened up in uncomfortability. His iris narrowed before he shifted around to notice Kuna and the pups gone. His head shot up suddenly, they're scent was still lingering so it wasn't long ago and he didn't sleep for months again. Kuro's shadows reached out and started to cover around him, never wanting to fall asleep in that long period of time again. Then, when his thoughts were returning, he realized Kuna was going to take them to play with the alpha's daughter. Easing up, Kuro let out a yawn before doing his normal stretches and ducking his head out of the den.

Kuro kept his eyes straight, focused on his mission. He just hoped Amari would show up, if not, he'd call it quits. Kuro walked through the forest with little effort to know where he needed to go, he had explored the forest in Sera way too often on his own to get lost with the trees looming overhead. Kuro approuched the location where he told Amari to meet at. His bat wings folded neatly besides him and his head arched almost as if he was the alpha. He stood still, much like a statue would as he awaited her arrival.



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Like a pup excited for the first flower of spring, Amari was fidgety through the night and couldn't sleep much more than a few hours. She was just too excited to train, and was anxious to get out and meet Kuro. As soon as the dawn of light broke through to her eyes she immediately perked her head up and a smile grew on her features.

She took a brisk walk towards the meeting spot, the snow being a lot more chilly than she remembered, since she was previously so comfy cozy in Nora's den. Spottin the dark hued male in the distance, Amari couldn't help but form a grin across her muzzle. Ducking low, Amari quickly scooped up a pile of snow, lifting herself up to aim and fire at the dark wolf, trying to smack him in the head with the snowball. She covered her face with her paw, as she tried to say silent and sunk back down, hiding in the white covered bushes.



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He slowly opened his eyes and just stared at the cave wall for a couple minutes. Then, just as slowly, he stood up, walked over to the entrance, and sat down to watch what few wolves were already awake before him. As it were he had nothing he thought he should be doing so he enjoyed the silence, knowing that it would probably get noisy later when everyone was awake. Jay was gone, most likely to get something to eat.


Tragen-Male|Shape-Shifting|Crow (Loner)

Rayce-Male|Ice|Jay (Warrior of Sera)

Camilla-Female|Terra|Fin (Loner)

Tempest-Male|Air|Auster (Loner)

Tork-Male|Terra|Dade (Loner)

Sigma-Male|Space|Zeta (Trial Member of Inferno)

Karan-Female|Shape-Shifting|Sal (Loner)

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The female let out a loose yawn, mumbling a bit in her sleep. Her tired eyes blinked a few times, and she sat still, not really wanting to move. She was so mixed up, looking over herself she almost couldn't tell where her body sat, being surrounded by her mate, son, and daughter. She gave a smile to the family she loved so dearly, but couldn't help but wonder where Mercutio was. Leonardo was there, snoozing soundly, but.. Mercutio was no where to be seen.

Knowing she was planning on meeting up with the other mother of Sera soon, she knew she needed to awaken her family and get things rolling. It would be about that time soon, and she didn't want to be late.

Nuzzing into Kianna, she knew the female would probably settle for a bit of milk before they headed out. Carefully, she lifted the sleeping beauty from her position and placed her down by her belly, encouraging her to awaken and eat a bit. 

"Good morning..." She whispered to the wind, not knowing who would stir from her voice. As a morning ritual, Catorii was known to sing, and so ever so softly she began to first hum a happy tune, softly enhancing the volume to a sweet tone that would hopefully give the two boys a peaceful awakening. As she added her words, it was hard to understand what she was saying, using her tribal language once again.

"Shaneka Masakah. Mor mor moreanna. 
Nala ba neinah, hatchu batakana.
Whar, whar wasiki, ma-si me na no ku,
pore-she'na more quika, me no la... mu."

She sang, an old morning tune of good fortune and prosperity, one that she often heard growing up, along with many others. She continued this, smiling at her family as she reached over to nuzzle into Zorr's fur, inhaling his scent as she continued to sing. 



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As she drifted off yet again, Artemis was snapped back to reality as someone called her name. She took a defensive step back, at first not recognizing her friend. But as the initial shock wore off, she realized that it was just Tyson. Instead of looking angry, she looked shaken instead. "I'm sorry, Tyson..." The huntress shook her head and tried not to cry. She wiped the water on her shoulder, but then made it appear as if she was merely warming her cheek. "I don't know why I was standing here in the first place..." Her blue eyes then looked into his. "But I don't have a den...Do I?"

At Aeris' initial answer, Apollo fell even farther and began to sulk. But when she tackled him and almost strangled him, he just gaped like a landed fish. "Wait, what? So you will, or won't?" His confusion still didn't help as she then proceeded to smother him. "Well....yeah I did...I wanted to do something really special for you, cus you deserve it, Aer." But despite himself, he began to relax as well, wrapping his paws around her and holding her closer. "I may be a jerk, but now I'm your jerk, and you can't get rid of me now."

Sora would have echoed Trio's gratitude, but as she had a pup in her mouth, she couldn't, and so just dipped her head. Once they got to the cave, however, she let Tanari down, but scooted her to the side. She sulked. Sighing slightly, Sora lifted her muzzle with her paw. "Tanari, I don't have a problem with you going and playing with other pups, but you need to tell me when you're going to play. Otherwise, I don't know where you are and I'll get worried." Her golden eyes softened somewhat. "I don't want to lose you, okay? Can I have a hug?"

Tanari looked into her mother's eyes, and considered what she said and wanted for a little bit, and then wrapped her paws around Sora's leg and nuzzled it. "Kay. Love ya, Mama." The split second that it was over, she ran to her brother and began to copy him, touching everything. "Cool! Yeah! Yeah! This is mine, and this is mine, and this is mine, and this is mine..." She announced whenever she touched something. But when she got to a small piece of moss, she stopped and frowned. "This is Renny's."

Sora stood and shook her head at her daughter's antics and went to stand near her mate. Though she still had her concerns, it seemed that the family was doing well in a pack. She smiled softly at her son. "Maybe we'll stay here forever."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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His eyes looked lost as he watched Artemis turn hysterical and it made him extremely concerned. "Artemis..." He whispered, barely able to see her through the rushing snow. "Come on. Let's go to my den then." He said, not wanting to admit he had no idea where her den was. 

Walking up to her, he nudged into her side as sort of a comforting nuzzle, but more in a friendly concerned way. He was very concerned about this female, and she definitely wasn't acting right lately. Trying to push her forward and get her moving,  he tried to make his way through to his den. It was hard to walk through the thick snow, and he almost wanted to just pick her up and run there. She felt cold to the touch, and he was really worried that she was going to get sick. "Artemis, please hold on. I'll warm you up, please, let's go.." He said through the bursts of wind, wanting nothing more than to help his dear friend.


She couldn't help but giggle, a smile held on her face as she looked down at him, seeing the smoke from his warmth practically melt the snow. "Well, jerk. I love you." She laughed, lowering her head to nuzzle into his chest, closing her eyes again and just inhaling his scent along with the smell of winter. 

"Of course I'll be your mate. I wouldn't want anything else in the world, and you didn't have to make me something to prove it." She whispered, "Although, it is pretty darned awesome," She said, in refrense to the necklace he had given her. She was excited to show it off to her new hunting friends.


Trio turned to give a soft smile towards his mate as she continued to lecture Tanari. Although it was sad to see the look on his daughters face, it was nice to see her concure and continue to follow Renci around. As Sora made her way over, Trio turned to her and gave her a nod. "I agree." He said, reaching out to suddenly knock her over, playfully. Although it had took a lot of effort since in her brothers form, Sora was larger than him, he didn't care and tried anyways. Letting out a yawn, Trio felt more tired than usual, but still smiled over at his love.

Renci grinned as he felt his sister shadowing him, but as she proclaimed everything to be hers, he let out a frown.

"But sissy, we have to share.. " He said, following everything as she touched it and claimed it as hers. As she walked away, Renci looked at the object she claimed and gave a frown. It was much cooler than the moss she said was his. Touching the rock again, Renci added, "This is ours!" He grinned, a grin exactly like his fathers, before reaching down to lick it, as though claiming it. "I licked it, it's either ours or mine." He said, not wanting his sister to hog everything. Walking over to his stupid piece of moss, Renci stared at it, and then reached down to lick it. It tasted horrible, and he spat a bit.

"No. This is no ones." He tried to scrape it off the ground, and then carried it out of the den and plopped it in the snow.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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